Greetings Girlies
Congratulations to the new jobs, to the losers and to all that are hanging on in on their CD quest!
Just another CD Day but seem to have a wee spring in my steps!
Headache 'seems' to have shifted which is good!
Nothing to report (which can only be a good thing)...
Sleeping like a baby these days & someone noticed that I'd lost a bit of weight the other day which was fab!
Have a GR8 CD Day - hope to catch up later xx xx xx
Good morning! Congratulations to your new job Contrary! What kind of job is it? I am enjoying my first chocolate shake now, and will be heading of to work in a few minutes. Tonight I will just relax and go to bed really early! That has been the plan for several weeks now, but I always find something more interesting to do. I am really tired all the time, and I think that is important to change. I think I will do better with my positive thinking if I weren't
Have a nice day everyone!
Hi all, for any of you suffering with constipation the Fibre 89 that your cdc sells works fantasticly. As you know I was suffering really bad and had to see the doctor, she gave me Movicol to sort the blockage out (sorry tmi) and then I got the cambridge fibre 89 from my cdc and I havn't had a problem since. Claira I suffer with ibs too and this stuff really was a blessing and It's tasteless and doesn't thicken shakes either. You can add it to porridge, shakes or a glass of water with the water flavouring in and it looks the same as the water flavouring ie just fine powder. Give it a try ladies I wish I had started with it from the beginning. Zoe xx