Hi Priyabb2222!!! Thank you, it's been very, very, very trying!!! I don't know how I would have done it without checking in here daily; I guess reading up on other people's success and struggles assures me that I'm not alone in this struggle; it reminds me that it's human to feel like giving up sometimes, it's human to need that bit of push to make you try just a bit harder than the last time, it's human to feel happy at progress, it's human to feel disappointed when efforts don't equal rewards, it's however faith that whether the losses occur immediately, or eventually, they will occur when calorie restriction is observed, and that faith keeps you going on and on and on; as long as you keep to the rules of the program and you know health is not being compromised.
For me, I'm really tired of carrying extra pounds about with me. The extra weight is unsightly, it slows me down and shouldn't have even been gained in the first place

. If I give up, I know I will be back here yet again, probably then with depression; and unfortunately or fortunately as the case may be (cup half full, cup half empty) since health is a critical factor for me - pre diabetes - it has made weight loss, weight maintenance and healthy eating non negotiable for me. I firmly believe change what you can but accept what you can't; and since weight is in the 'can' category then what gives???
You're human to feel terrified

but just read up on posts all over the forum to know that you're treading a path already trodden by many before you as will also be trodden by many after you. Phew, 2 troddens in one sentence - hope I haven't murdered the phrase

. In short. you aren't alone. And as long as you stick to the plan you. will. lose. weight
Writing with my tongue in my cheek has always been amusing to me, it's much needed stress relief whenever I come back to read this stuff

so if it pleases others to read and chuckle, I hope it's as pleasing to you as it is to me to write it.

Please check in from time to time, too many crickets chirping on the Minimins' boards these days