Bye bye baby belly

Forgot to say have had a teeny nsv today. Am wearing a dress I wore to a christening in the middle of July. When I first wore it, it was v tight and I had to wear my spanx as it was too lumpy and bumpy without. Today am spanx free so even though I've only lost half a stone it must be making a difference to my size

That is all xx
WI day today. According to my scales at home I'm back to 10st 8.8, my lowest weight post baby. I think that'll equate to about 1.5-2lbs off tonight so I am pleased with that as I've had a pretty good week, but am lacking on the excercise front, which I really need to address. Foodwise I'm a bit thin on the ground as Mr Tesco is due to visit us later so so far my plan looks like this:

B: Strawberries and fromage frais
L: Pea soup, 2 x krisprolls (2/3 of HeB), apple slices, grapes
S: Alpen light (a bit of a cheat but classed as rest of my HeB)
D: Mango chicken and coleslaw from one of my SW cookbooks - amazingly lovely!
S: A Twirl (11.5) Options (2)
HeA: Milk in coffee

Am so looking forward to my after WI treat. I've been craving chocolate for the last few days but have managed not to cave in so I'm hoping a little bit will be enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.

All my hard work paid off last night - I lost 2lbs :D Am so pleased cos I really feel like I've got into the swing of things this week so it's certainly well deserved. I've got nothing in the diary to derail me this week (except myself of course ;)) so I'm hoping for another good loss next week now.

Today looks like this:

B: Porridge, yogurt, berries, syn free lemon curd
L: Mango and chicken salad
D: Tuna and pasta with veggies, quark and cheese (HeA)
S: 2 x Alpen light (HeB), Activia, banana, glass of wine (8) options (2)

Hubby is on bedtime duty tonight so will got for a 30 min spin in the garage (we have a bike in there, I am not just going to run round in circles :p).

Good morning world! Am feeling great today. I've already been for a run, am showered and about to have my breakfast. I love my Fridays now I only work 4 days and I am looking forward to spending some time with ds :) Anyway, enough waffle, today looks like this:

B: porridge (HeB) yogurt, berries
L: fritatta (HeA)
D: chicken italiana, SW chips, salad
S: syn free roulade, milk in coffee (3) options (3) Alpen light (3)

I've kind of messed up a bit today, through no real fault of my own - grrrr. I made frittata for lunch but cut it up on the chopping board that had flash spray on it so after a few mouthfuls it ended up in the bin and I had a mugshot instead. So I'm not sure how much cheese (hea) I had. I then had a skinny latte so have counted that as the rest of my healthy a and had a biscuit with it which I've counted as 5 syns although I have no idea really. It gets worse - with tea you need artichocke hearts. I ordered some from Mr Tesco not realising they were in olive oil - aaarrrrggghhhh. I am going to drain them really well and wash them with boiling water but they'll still no doubt hold on to some oil but again I've no idea how much. So basically I'm now scared to use any syns at all cos I don't know how to work out what I've had. I hate days like this :(

Tricky day but seem to be coping ok. Weekends are always so tough :( I was going to have a few gins tonight but can't after snaffling a cheese and spinach muffin (7 Syns) out of a batch I'd made for ds. It was one of those moment of weakness but it was amazing, it's been pointed and the rest are in the freezer out of temptation. A result maybe? Today looked like this anyway:

B: fruit and yogurt
L: falafels (2) pitta (HeB) salad, tzatziki
S: skinny latte (HeA) muffin (7)
D: beef and black bean chilli, rice
S: options with dash of milk (3) slimline tonics

Run tomorrow morning if I have the energy!

Feeling rather grumpy today. Conjunctivitis is back AGAIN so I am feeling sorry for myself but trying not to ease my mood with food. Have been for a run and had some porridge so trying my best to keep in track. Today's plan looks like this:

B: porridge (HeB) yogurt, berries
L: baked potato with bacon and tomato topping (0.5) salad
D: baked mushroom risotto
S: some form of chocolate (10???) options (2) milk in coffees (HeA)

Awhhhhh conjunctivitus is so unpleasant!

Well done on your 2lb loss this week, and getting to your lowest post baby weight.

Your menus sound really delicious!
Thanks Lynne. I am feeling in the zone at the moment so making the most of it. With me, enthusiasm tends to come in waves and I need to make the most of it while it’s here because before long, it’ll vanish for a while! Planning my menus is definitely the key (and sticking to them!), it helps to have some nice grub to look forward to.

Yesterday went a little bit off piste – again – but I still managed to pull it back. The problem is that I’m trying to stock up the freezer with food for my little boy. But all the food I make for him is yummy with full fat cheese and butter...and as his mummy, I HAVE to try it to make sure it’s nice. And it is, so I eat it. Grrrrr. Yesterday’s culprit was cheese and sweet potato flapjack, blooming amazing. I had cut them into little fingers, trimmed the edges and ate all the bits that I cut off, then I ate some more of the fingers too. I’ve no idea how many I had, not loads, but certainly more than none, which is what I should have had. So anyway, how did I pull it back? Well as I’d only had porridge and a baked spud with bacon, I synned the bacon (4) and turned my day into a green day giving me an extra HeB (oats in the flapjack) and an extra A (the cheese). The only other ingredients were sweet potato and eggs (free) and butter which I counted as the rest of my syns. Also the oats filled me up so much that I didn’t bother with tea so a win – win all the way. Was 10st 7.6 on my scales (I know I should n’t but it really does help to keep me focussed) this morning so must be doing something right J

Today’s (green) plan looks like this:

B: Porridge (HeB) yogurt, strawberries
S: Banana, activia
L: Jacket potato, cottae cheese, salad
S: Peach, Activia
D: Baked mushroom risotto, 28g cheddar (HeA)
S: Glass of wine (8.5) milk in coffee (HeA) Alpen light x 2 (HeB)

No exercise today as spending three hours in the car driving DS to and from his nanna’s and to work and back so time is limited.

I'm like that with everything, one minute I'm full onto something, the next I have forgotten about it.

Which is why when I am 'blowing cold' I spend some time on here reading others diaries to get me back 'blowing hot'

Well done on cooking your son such delicious home made meals x
Good to know I am not alone Lynne, it’s so hard to keep the motivation going when life gets in the way isn’t it. Looking at your stats, it’s not far off for you though – must be an amazing feeling !

Am feeling much more positive today, and am looking forward to WI tomorrow night after a really successful week J. According to my scales I’m looking at about a 1lb loss, but that’s fine because it’s moving int he right direction. I’ve decided there’s no point in getting down over what I see as small losses, or being disappointed if I feel I’ve not lost as much as I deserve because I’ve just got to keep on going in the knowledge that every meal I make good choices is a meal closer to goal. I’m trying not to focus on getting to a certain weight by a certain date because I’ve done that tons of times in the past only to see myself fail – this time I just want to get there eventually. Today’s plan looks a little bit like this:

B: Porridge (HeB) berries, yogurt
S: Banana
L: Left over risotto, activia
S: Peach
D: Pork casserole and mash
S: Options with milk (3) Alpen light (3)
HeA: Milk in coffee

No time for any exercise again, as DS is at his nanna’s again but I’m off work tomorrow and DS is in nursery so no excuse for not going for a run before WI J

WI tonight and I have to say I am really looking forward to it. My scales are showing 1.5lbs off so am going the class scales agree later (or round it up to 2lb just to be nice maybe?). I've got the day off today, ds is in nursery so I've been for a run, had a shower and am about to have a quick breakfast before getting stuck in to some chores. Today's plan is a bit all over the place but it's a bit like this:

B: fruit and yogurt
L: cottage cheese, krisprolls x3 (HeB), salad, yogurt
D: dunno, something quick for after WI
S: milk in coffee (HeA), low syn truffles x 6 (6) Alpen light (3) options (2)

Will report back later with my result - must do some jobs xx
A little but disappointed to report only 1lb off last night. I know it's still a loss and all that but I really was hoping for a bit more. Am still plugging away though - I'll get there in the end even if I do take the scenic route!

Have just made a spicy bean dip off the SW site as I'm off to a little gathering at my friend's tonight and really don't want to go off track. Plan is to do a green day due to cheese cock up:

B: 2 x Alpen light (HeB)
S: activia
L: lentil loaf (cheese - HeA) salad
D: pasta bake before I go out (cheese - HeA)
S: bean dip and crudites
Syns: milk in coffee (1.5) whatever else I eat at party (not much hopefully), if I'm good 2x alpens (HeB) and options (3) when I get in

No exercise for me today - tres knackered due to baby that thinks 4.30am is morning.

Went off track a bit last night. Had 3 glasses of wine, a few handfuls of popcorn and some rice crackers. Hadn't had any syns all day though so could have been a lot worse. Am feeling a bit bloated today though so lots of water for me. Tbh I am in the mood for a binge so really need to keep my wits about me or I'll cave in. Todays plan is:

B: porridge (heb) raspberries, yogurt
L: pasta bake (hea)
D: beef bourgignoun (3) mash
S: milk in coffee (3)

Hopefully I'll get out for a run later too

Feckity, feckity, feck, feck, I am a bad SWer. I have just come to my senses after a sugar crazed weekend which started with two slices of ginger cake on Friday afternoon and only ended with a decidedly non SW lunch an hour ago. I am ashamed to say that I have royally messed it up this week.

WI is on Wednesday but I’m not sure if I am brave enough to go. If I can get myself back on track tomorrow I might bury my head in the sand til next week and skip class, but if I feel I really need a kick up the bum I will go and face the scales.

I don’t know why I do this to myself. I am such an emotional eater, always have been, so that’s all I can say in my defence. I’ve got no real worries at the minute apart from the usual, but for some reason I’ve just lost the plot these last few days. I feel awful today too, tired, bloated, sluggish, but still I’ve just kept on eating.

Well this is my line:

It’s nine weeks until my little boy turns one and I will not be unhappy with his birthday photos. I hate every snap taken of me after he was born but I want these ones to be ones to remember and be happy about. I would like to lose at least a stone in that time, maybe even a little bit more so the time has come to stop faffing around and do it. I need to find my inner yummy mummy for me and my little boy J

Today I am back on track. I hopped on the scales this morning and they are showing a 2lb gain from last week so not the end of the world. WI is tomorrow night so I am hoping if I am good between now and then (and for ever more thereafter of course) I might be able to reduce that down to 1lb which will be a bonus considering what I’ve eaten this week.

Today’s plan looks like this:

B: Raspberries and yogurt, with 2 x Alpen Light crumbed in (HeB)
S: Banana and Activia
L: Tuna and veggie couscous
S: Activia and melon
D: No idea as not just realised I didn’t got anything out of the freezer...but something SW’y

I think I need to come up with some new meal ideas, especially for breakfast. I am sick of the sight of porridge and feel I need something with a bit of crunch to it. I’m not a big lover of other cereals but need something to fill me up. I’m out really early Monday-Thursday so SW ‘fry up’ is no good and need something portable. Hmmmm, need to do a search on Minimins me thinks.

No time for exercise today, unless I go after babba is in bed...which is a possibility, I suppose. We’ll see how I’m feeling later.

This morning’s WI was showing 10st 7.8 so a gain of 0.4lbs from last week. That will probably equate to about half an lb on tonight which, quite frankly, after my appalling week, I’ll take! I’m feeling well and truly back on track anyway so hopefully any gain, and more, should be gone by next week.

I’ve got a tough day on Saturday as my in-laws are up and that usually involves food out – and cake! Other than that, I’ve got a clear week so really hoping I can keep up my determination and get a good loss next week. Hubby is away Mon-Thurs and traditionally that’s when I always struggle, I feel sad and lonely and therefore deprived so I eat. But I’m hoping I can overcome that this time and come out the other side feeling proud of myself rather than disappointed and disgusted.

Today’s plan looks like this:

B: Berries and yogurt
S: Activia and melon
L: Tuna couscous salad
S: Fruit if hungry
D: Spicy prawns in tomatoes, pasta, cheddar (HeA)
S: Milk in coffee (2) Options (3) 2 x Alpen bars (HeB) maybe a Curly Wurly or something chocolatey for after WI (6???)

Will post back my WI result later xx
Gone over my syns already. I am rubbish L I’ve had:

One of those fit biscuits from yesterday (10) another less syn-ful but equally fit biscuit (5) 2 x Lindor balls (8) and three coffees (1.5).

What is wrong with me at the minute? I seem to be on self destruct. WI can’t come quick enough – I need to draw this line and move on.
