Hello .... I fell of the wagon dramatically at the weekend thanks to wine! The good news is that I got weighed on Friday and had lost 5lb which I was over the moon with (I usually do have a big loss first week - it's the next ones that I worry about) ..
The bad news is that my whole sensible approach to the weekend went out if the window - had a change of plan and didn't go to cardiff but went to stay with some friends instead and drank my own body weight in wine .. The wine was bad enough but the carbs craving the next day was worse - especially as I was travelling all day to get to Poland so relying on airport food
anyway I've put the weekend behind me and am back on it - Poland it seems may be quite good for slimming world..
so far today
melon, pineapple, strawberries,
smoked salmon and scrambled egg (milk hex a)
dinner .... (No dinner yet so will report later)
boots shapers salt n sweet popcorn - 1 bag.
Anyone any idea how many syns?
Ps - mandyboo - hope you are having a good holiday and the sun is shining!!