Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Think I am over syns as had oil in dinner wasn't EEVO but didn't have a second HEXB (naughty tweak) and had 3 gingerbread hearts from lidl bag they are so good! Bloated tho from all the fruit and veg. Planning on fasting tomoro, and need to take down Christmas tree etc before work at 2 and been looking at new sofas problem is Ben says that where I would like a new sofa is too far from the tv!!
Hand is sore but have just managed to make this the whole pot is 1000 cals so plan is to have it for today and Thursdays fast days, undecided whether I'll have it split in to lunch and tea or just tea or if I just have a third and freeze a third and have something else too.

Christmas has to come down this morning which I hate doing have got lots of decorations up this year so will take ages to get down. Recorded viva Las Vegas on Saturday afternoon so will pop that on and get it done before work at 2. Only 10 days at work until holiday time! Will be counting down the days v soon!!


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Holiday time again? You lucky sausage! Where are you off to?

I hate taking Christmas decs down too - Dave and I did ours on Friday evening. Thankfully with the two of us, it didn't take long! xx
Not going away, just time off at home which is probably needed as we went away for 4 weeks last year. Going to be a big spring cleaning week! Everything is done now didn't take that long and less time than putting them up I guess just less fun! I wanted last night to look at them one last time!

Curry is cooked and portioned in to 3 so about 330 per portion. Leaves me 170 so might have 2 fruit ryvita and a bit of chocolate when I get home from work.

Fast day going ok didn't want to get up at all this morning so glad I'm on a late! Pretty sure my friend is on a late too so we can natter after our manager goes home!
Fast day going ok so far had an earl grey tea 2 fruit teas and 2 coffees. Think I will go for another fruit tea soon. I am hungry but ignoring it. Dinner will be at 5:30 I think, so only 4.5 hours! Need to wash up and maybe think about food for tomoro or I'll have a ton of stuff to do in the morning!! Going to use my new handbag today too is a lovely dark red colour and has lots of space in it! Also need to sort my bandage out so I don't hurt myself at work!
Well done on the fast so far hum. I'm coping OK with mine too.

I prepped the roasted chickpeas for tomorrow's lunch yesterday so that I wouldn't have to do too much 'foodie' stuff while I was fasting today!

Hope your hand is OK at work xx
I need to cut melon but will do that in the morning I think! Hand is now re bandaged to prevent knocks at work! On my last fruit tea before calling my mum and heading off to work. Can totally feel the 11st 8.75lb in my uniform :eek: helps remind me why I need to fast tho!
Had all my cals now had my curry a packet of baked crisps and a ww wafer so straight to bed when I get home. I'm not hungry and haven't been all day so pretty pleased. Just need to carry on like this!
What do you have for lunch at work when you are being weighed in the evening. I've never been weighed in the evening so not really sure what to have other than salad to keep weight as low as possible
I just try and have the same every week, will have porridge for breakfast with fruit and lunch with be egg sandwich with salad and an apple and do that every week so limit variation
Thanks will give that a go. Then ill look something tommorow night 4 when I get in on Wednesday then all I have to do is re heat may do bol or chilli. Right time 4 bed. My belly is starting to rubble bring on breakfast time lol
Feeling frustrated this morning, done 4 days on plan 1 of those a fast not had any alcohol for 5 days and I haven't lost anything!!!! I've been so off plan I thought I get a quick few lbs to motivate me!

Plan today

B1 egg and coffee
B2 porridge grapefruit
L egg earnie with salad cream and chilli sauce, salad carrot sticks and crab sticks, apple, yog and raspberries
D salmon and veg

Then chuck everything in the slow cooker for campfire stew tomoro night after class. Think tomoro will be my first sp day altho breakfast maybe more ee as no freefoods just HEXB and speed not sure if that works

Need to haul my arse upstairs to get ready for work. Another dull day ahead on checkouts I expect
Hey lovely,

Don't worry about the scales just yet. They are fickle creatures and it might be a completely different story at class.

Hope your day flies by xx
I know you are right. Had a fraught evening sorting out balance of money to send to solicitors for remortgage taken an age. Still on plan tho :) had 15 syns but ok with that as fast yesterday was rough. Campfire stew is in the slow cooker, never done anything like it before. Eeek! Not hopeful for wi as scales seem not to be my friend but will do another week! Day was hard standing on checkouts is hard going compared to my normal coffee shop too much standing not enough moving! Will be more of the same tomoro. Should go to bed as back at work at 7:30 but got silent witness on and enjoying! Had final Christmas present from Ben tonight is a print of this pic. Am so pleased with it. Was a very lucky girl for Christmas


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Gorgeous pic! Well done Ben!

I was gonna go to bed early too, as was up at 5.30am today but watching Walking dead and keep saying 'just one more episode...'!

Sorry work sucked. At least it's hump day tomorrow!


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He did well he also got me a print of a poem we wrote together was very impressed!!

7:40 killed me this morning some tomoro will be awful. Binge tv is the best need to check if it's on sky catch up too!
Scales were up to 11st 9 this morning. So not hopeful for wi later at all.

Got porridge and grapefruit for breakfast. And eggs on toast for lunch with an apple.
Lunch changed to mushroom onion and egg as saw an omelette on insta and fancied it tho I don't like omelette! But I do like that odd as all cooked together but somehow it's different and I like frittata!

Just having a particularly nice apple then a coffee and back to work until 4:30 then to class.! Undecided if I will sit through talk saw someone who goes to the morning one and she stayed and said it was so long and so busy! I'll see how I go!