Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

My cauliflower rice kedgeree worked well I would definitely do it again and would also try a birianyi type dish aw well. I used the James Martin bbc recipe and just omitted the milk and cream. I also soaked the cauliflower in a knorr flavour pot curry one and cooked it in it as well. I added extra tenderstem broccoli for more super free


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Feeling chilled but have taken tablet to help me sleep don't like doing it but think a good nights sleep will help an awful lot

Will definitely try another cauliflower rice recipe tomoro bought Mexican and paprika flavour pots so wondering about one of those possibly the Mexican one with chicken and extra veg
Slept much better woke up with a headache at 5am taken everything I can and now tucked up. Breakfast was smoked salmon fried with mushroom onion broccoli and sugar snappeas was tasty as saves HEXB for later!

Am really craving hot chocolate think it is the whether! Am undecided if I'll have one I have a yummy one but not sure of syns as it is from the US

I will have an apple a glass of water and a cup of coffee instead for now. It is so cold! I might need another layer on I think!

Got blacklist on at the moment and downloaded the betrayal too. I have a book I'm reading but I'm not sure I am relaxed enough to read might need to be a tv day. Have kitchen chores to do as well but think I'll do that when practice 3 is on
Had lunch and now having a hot choc as fancied it and is a nice little treat

Got f1 on as well and am finally warm! I burnt my hand at work and it is itching like crazy now! Grr have put cream on it but so annoying!
Might change today to ee as feeling a bit deprived and think changing to ee might help that.

Unsure what to have for dinner maybe katsu curry with prawns and noodles or if I go to a supermarket I could have pizza I guess

I don't know which supermarket to go to I want to go to tesco but it's in an annoying place to get to Asda is closer but is a waste to to Asda when when it is tesco who have specific things I want!
Did change to ee and have over syned :( had a packet of crisps and reeces pieces and wine. Did avoid pizza and done plenty of on line shopping for Christmas so pleased with that at least

Will probably start wrapping tomoro as I like to take my time!
Trying to decide what to do today and what to do about food. I think I need to get back to fasting as it gives me that little push I think I need 7lb to target 3lb to get to post holiday weight and back under 11st

Also trying to decide what to do today have got soup on need a little kitchen tidy and could start Christmas present wrapping and need to go to boots for contact lense stuff. And look in home sense again as still got a voucher to spend.
I've been nominated for miss slinky too :eek:

Have really struggled to find a before photo! There are none! Am spoilt for choice for after tho :D going to sort that now I think
Done this for miss slinky not sure about the afters but i need Ben to email me other options!

Just had cinnamon french toast it was so good can't believe I've never done it before. Next job wrapping commences!

Got kitchen chores to do too but they can wait until the blacklist has finished!


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My mornings work :D

Wrapped everything I have bought but still got to get stuff for my parents, Ben's parents his sisters in law my sister her other half and Ben!

And maybe a new cat collar! Belles is looking a bit straggly

Don't feel like being on plan today but I will drag myself through on plan until dinner! Having it with Ben's parents so could be anything but will be on ee and will take fruit but also possibly a bottle of fizz for fun as is gp, and last downton abbey and I need cheering up!


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Having a slightly tough time been to dr today and been signed off until the end of the week

Been given beta blockers to treat the anxiety and migraine
Hey Clare hope your getting on ok. Will catch up soon now I have your number. Once I get time to put it in my phone lol xx
How's things going with you? Are you finding it any easier at the moment ?
Am much better been back at work this week. Put up Christmas decs yesterday and have started fasting again! Done 2 this week and lost 2.25lbs so far had gained a fair bit, was 11st 7.5lb which is a stone up on my lightest pre holiday weight and I can really tell. But hoping fasting and some sw and being back on my feet all day will help shift a few lbs before Xmas. Going to try and plan my fast days between now and new year to minimise damage and shift a bit before then.
Trying to fast 4:3 this week as indulgent wknd planned so today, Wednesday and Friday and my last fast before Christmas on Monday next week scales say 11st 5.75 which is half up from last wi but was lazy last week and are what I liked so going to be stricter this wk I just want to be less than last yr

Tried to get an outfit on Saturday didn't manage so will have to recycle! Think I left it too late as no choice but saved me pennies
Had good intentions of going to wi this morning then had a little accident at work yesterday and I can't drive, I hurt my hand and it's bandaged and in a sling. I caught it in the conveyor belt which was so painful and now I have a very bad soft tissue injury. Very grumpy as ruined my day off :( slept really badly too

No idea what I'm going to eat today as got limited choice as intended to stock up today overall very frustrated
Am off work today because of my hand :/ not on plan but will try again tomoro. Will think red days until weds when I'll try ee sp for sure I love pulses in soup so lunch will be enjoying that. Will find not having yoghurt a bit odd tho I don't love yoghurt

Been thinking about what I want to do in 2015 going to be a house focused year. We went on 3 holidays last year so tho we might go away for a few nights in a woodland lodge again it won't be an extra agent year for holidays. Going to hang more pictures, get new cushions rugs bedding and things like that. And want to make over payments on the mortgage too. Would love a new sofa as had mine for 10 years :eek: can't quite believe that but struggling to find one in a colour I like. I have aubergine and curtains etc are that colour so want everything to go.

Am also going to do part of dry January am on holiday from the 17th so will decide closer to the time if I want to carry on through that.
Not had a very memorable NYE I ended up in bed at 8:45 and have slept almost non stop from then until this morning. Am not at work trying to decide how I feel as am only awake as my alarm went off.

Have zero food as not been shopping, I do have bread salad and milk and something in the freezer for dinner. And kiwi Sharon fruit and yoghurt which will need eating before I start ee sp next week.

Also did day 1 of Dryathon yesterday am hoping that will help with loosing as I have had a lot of wine since coming back from holiday
Breakfast :) with a large cup of earl grey with skimmed milk for a I have no food meal not too bad!


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