Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Well done xxx glad your pleased. I lost a pound. Going to investigate the sp plan I think but need to sit down and see what it's about
Thank you :) this was dinner was quick and very tasty!

Fast day tomoro, have no plan for dinner probably fish and veg

Just had Hifi and a hot choc bed in a little whole as back in at 6:30 tomoro


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It was lovely was soy and ginger stir fry strips from waitrose they are soooo good

Morning has been crazy we are short staffed as usual! So only sitting down now which is ok as fasting!!

So got water and gingerbread coffee now and then lunch at 12!
Home for lunch for a nespresso and some ore water and to take some basa out for dinner later. Will have it with green beans broccoli and sugar snap peas maybe mushrooms too! That will be about 300 cals then will have a hot choc and a hifi for a tv snack later then an early night I think. Am sooo tired and only tomoro then I've got a week off. Really want to stay on plan even tho I'm off tho as want another loss next week want to get to 11st 4lb for valentines day as I'm more comfortable about there that is 5lbs in 4 weeks I think so need a loss every week I think.
Work done got worse over lunch! Am so cold now I'm home!

Looking for a new tv show to watch as not hooked on elementary is ok but would like something more addictive!

Dinner has gone on fish and roasted veg only 200 cal as had a Hifi and would like another before bed! And need to figure out tomoro's menu would really like burger and chips with cheese a roll so thinking red but leaves me stumped for lunch or I can syn some of it as still not drinking :( undecided if I will carry on with not drinking while on holiday. Am actually tempted to carry on even tho I'm off but not sure. I love wine but hate the empty calories and does give me syns for other stuff.
This was my 200 cal dinner was very tasty for a throw it together job! Think I'll have fruit tea now.

Still figuring out tomor, cooked 2 Linda mcartney R&R sausages and 2 hard boiled eggs. Got grapefruit, apple nectarine and raspberries as well but stumped for lunch. Thinking crab sticks maybe as got them frozen and they aren't sp cottage cheese and carrot sticks maybe as easy. Then dinner burgers and chips should keep me focused to manage such an uninspired lunch!! Could add a yogurt too as doing red not sp.

And frozen raspberries are half price at work which make them about £1.20 a box which is great value!


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Just thinking of to & I loving broadchurch & silent witness at the moment :) Sent from my iPad using

Me too!

Plan today

B R&R sausages, boiled eggs, grapefruit raspberries muller
L cottage cheese tuna and carrot sticks apple nectarine
D burgers wedges roll cheese mushroom onion

Syns hot choc and a Hifi 10 tommy k the rest of my syns!!!
I'm sure Clare will have some fab fast day ideas but thought I'd share my faves too, in case it's helpful?

Veggie curry with cauliflower rice is a great one - simmer onions in stock to get the base of your curry, add spices then your veggies (could be BNS or mushrooms and spinach etc), cook for 20 mins until BNS is soft then serve with cauli rice. You should be able to get that in under 200 cals. Dhal is quite low call too - just be careful with weights because those listed on the lentil packet will be cooked not dry weight.

Hope this helps :) xx
Dinner was soo yummy! The thought did keep me on track at work although my manager/friend has a major stress/freak out while I was at lunch and told me I was too negative which then led to long chat and me doing some stuff for her. So ate my cottage cheese and tuna and carrot sticks and really enjoyed it, I would have it again which I am surprised I am saying!!

Currently got a sugar free Cosmo mix pretending it is got alcohol in it!! Not really working but will have a hot choc and a Hifi in a bit and an early night!

My parents are coming tomoro, and we're going to see Jonnie cash tribute tomoro night and so are my parents, mum and I are blitzing the kitchen cleaning the cupboards out the oven and defrosting the freezer while dad puts up shelves!

Food plan is probably pretty similar to today,

B grapefruit, raspberries and porridge I think
L egg crab bread salad
D fish and veg I expect! Got broccoli, beans and cauliflower and peppers to use up, so will probably roast them

My fast days tend to be fish based although have tried to vary it. This year I have had

Cajun basa and veg (200cal)
Butternut squash chilli with lentils and kidney beans (330)
Chicken dhansak (330cals)
Chickpea lentil and butternut squash (330cals)
Caribbean fish stew (250cals)
Prawn dopiaza (200cals)

I have been having a hot choc and a Hifi for the rest of my calories and yesterday I had 2 hifis as I was struggling so had fish for dinner with veg.


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In a massive grump today! Wonder if I should have a doze. My parents have just left to go to my sister down the road. My sister was nagging them from 11:30 to go and haven't done most of what I wanted to get done. They are tired which is understandable but I wish that they had come another day as I'd have been better off on my own today. Still on plan despite being frustrated with them. And feeling bad about work yesterday and my manager. Did start to text her but left it as wasn't sure what to say, I'm sorry I annoyed her but seems ridiculous to text her that! She has a really fiery personality where as I'm really calm and yesterday was just a compete clash! Am making marmalade with her on Wednesday tho so we will have a chance to chat then.

Am going to carry on cleaning the kitchen. And sorting cupboards out as that was always my plan for today just on my own now rather than with mum. Wonder if I am a bit hormonal as feeling a bit like crying which is also not like me!

Taken cod out the freezer for dinner as got quite a bit of fish to eat up. Have defrosted the freezer and cleaned the oven so not been a totally wasted morning just not as productive as I'd like!
Carried on sorting and cleaning and tidying not finished but made progress! Moved spices to a bigger cupboard as was difficult to get them out and sorted oven to table wear out and also Tupperware!

Had fish and veg for dinner was quite nice though a bit early really. Meeting my parents sister and her boyfriend in just over an hour for a drink before we go to Jonnie cash thing. Need to go and get dressed have no idea what to wear tho!
Have a lovely evening. Deep breathes and calm down you enjoy it xxxx we've only just got in been shopping all day. Very happy got some new clothes even picked a top up in an 8..... I'm not an 8.. Think it just the style. Lol. Happy anyway x going to put some sw chips in the actifryer. Have a good night
Had an ok evening, did enjoy jonny cash thing and drink was ok tho soooo noisey hard to talk other than to Ben.

Had chicken nuggets on the way back as Ben was hungry but had only had salad cream for syns until that point so 9syns for nuggets I can cope with. I didn't drink either I had considered it as I'm off work this week and I still might as I don't want to feel deprived, but I want to enjoy it and a crap glass of wine didn't seem worth it. I'm glad I have thought it through as feel very in control. Makes staying on plan 100% easier too.

Went to get in the car to go to town and I have a flat battery! Bum! So waiting for Ben to decide what we do, my dad reckons I need a new battery I am inclined to agree, if we can start it might just go to halfords and have them fit it for a tenner. Ben changed the battery on my old car a corsa and it was so difficult has put me off a bit, I will suggest that to him and see what he says, he might be all "I man I change battery on car to prove my manliness" whereas I'd just prefer he put up the shelves in my dressing room to prove his manliness!! Worst bit is wanted to pop to primarni to look at bedding as need king size for king size duvet so can start using it and tho I could go on the bus we are at the end of the bus route nearly and it can be 45 mins each way depending on traffic and to literally go to one shop seems silly. Had also intended to go to dunelm on the way back to get a gorgeous rug for the hall way.

So now sitting thinking I will Internet browse a bit!