Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Internet browsing a reasonably satisfying alternative to proper shops!!

Hope you've got your car battery sorted, what a pain in the a*** :(

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Didn't find anything on line so now on the bus in to town. Is about to get full boo!

Didn't stick to plan at all last night, had the steak and chips and celebrations and wine!! Did enjoy it all and my first over syns day since new year. So fasting today to get right back on it!

So plan today is lots of fluids and then I think fish and veg for dinner dull but works well on a fast day. Think I will have a nakd bar and a latte with the rest of my cals.

Was a complete hormonal nightmare yesterday I cried twice last night for no reason really. Ben really had a lot to put up with! I think I feel less irrational now! I did come off the pill just before Christmas but am going to go back on it!!
All done on the bus back home with my free coffee from waitrose! Got 2 king size duvet sets, one grey and one with the Eiffel Tower on slightly girly but the other one is more plain!

Bought some granola bars for rest of cals today as the little waitrose didn't have nakd bars and not going in to work today!

Red wine last night gave me a killer headache after only 2 glasses which were only medium! Did enjoy them tho!

Is a lovely sunny day here today nice start to my week off :)
Already on the bed! Am very pleased with it lots more to get done today but happy! Need to do car battery this afternoon but this bit was fun!


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Beautiful love that. !! I think I've only managed one day totally on plan this week so fasting tommorow and Wednesday b4 weigh in. Hopefully I'll pull it back scales say sts. Which is ok but I haven't indulged to much. Never mind here's to 2 days of starvation
My fast day wasn't a fast day really after huge amount of car stress and annoyance with each other we went to halfords and bought a jump starter. So test will be if it starts today! Am going to go to Asda as I can get a bus home from there if I need to! Or walk if I feel energetic! If it is ok then I might risk dunelm and then ikea all a bit further if I get stuck!

Food yesterday ended up being a white crusty roll with potato salad and 3 ameretto biscuits and 3 ryvita so not an awful day but not 500 cals! I should grab some food in Asda too I think as I have literally none! Having sugar cravings as TOTM is looming.

Might go and look in dfs and scs as well as considering a new sofa but struggling with the colour as I have an aubergine one that is 10 years old but I really like the colour so going to see what they have I have a chair from dfs but they don't make the design anymore so will need to at least try and match it.

Need to find some breakfast I guess although literally have nothing but porridge!
Breakfast didn't happen really as just went out had a chewy d as were on offer in Asda not bad tho I did eat it very quickly as was starving by then! Also got the moment biscuits too they were nice as well for an evening tv snack. Got some hot choc sachets too to see if I like any enough to get a full size one!

Lunch was haddock cauliflower and broccoli with green beans and grated cheese. Yum!!

Have moved the living room round as been looking at sofas need Ben's opinion tho as he is loads better at space stuff than me!! His requirement is we sit directly facing the tv no further than the sofa is at the moment which is a pain!
Re arranged living room trying to workout space available for new sofas as they are all so big!!!


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Thank you :) is the benefit of a new build living room is huge! And faces the garden which I really wanted. I chose the colour 10 years ago in my flat and I still love it! I'm either very stuck in my ways or it is timeless!! I prefer the later!

We spent hours last night making room plans and moving furniture round on an app! And ordered bits to move the tv. Food was 100% on plan and 10 syns, wi this morning have eaten as I usually go to an evening class so don't want to skew it too much. Then off to make marmalade! Today will be high syn but breakfast and dinner are on plan at least. Campfire stew for dinner and had porridge for breakfast.

Want to go back to dfs today, they don't do colour swatches! What?! I can't have a bit of fabric unless I buy a sofa, but how do I know I want the sofa if I can't check it matches my curtains?! I was told to bring. Curtain in, so I have got one to go with later. Also need a rug for the hall and a chair for the bedroom.

Really need to sort out living room and is so messy I don't want to be in there!
Ooh I love reorganising & redecorating! Your lounge is huge & fab colour on the wall :)

What app were you using that helps you rearrange?? Sounds fab!

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Ooh I love reorganising & redecorating! Your lounge is huge & fab colour on the wall :) What app were you using that helps you rearrange?? Sounds fab! Sent from my iPad using

I thank you, I need to tidy up more today is full of junk and messy! But am in bed at the moment! I will get up....when I have finished internet browsing!

The app is roomle, it does plans like this and you can view everything in 3d too.

I lost 2.5lb yesterday. I had porridge and a drink to try and replicate an evening wi as far as I could as I know I weigh quite a lot less in the morning and I am trying to eat normally on wi in day. So am down to 11st 7lb which is leaves me with 10lb to target.

Food yesterday was not good tho :eek:. Had porridge which was ok, then 3 stollen slices, baked Camembert ciabatta, lots of tea and coffee, campfire stew with cauliflower and grated cheese. A few amaretto biscuits and a mini malteser bunny and 2 glasses of red wine! So waaaaay over syns so need to refocus quickly!! Am fasting today again will either have baked fish or more likely chilli from the freezer for dinner. Think I will also chuck another fast day in as well to limit damage best I can as with all that and the steak which might catch up with me think I need some damage limitation! So fast today, Monday and Saturday tho Saturday will be the hardest as Ben's family are here, will have to hope I get through it ok!

I need to do a proper shop as well as I have no food! But that will be tomoro as I can't shop on a fast day! And I need a list. Should get out of bed and make a start!!


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Pmsl x it has to be done at some point. It's isabels birthday tommorow she will be 15 and has just decided that she wants to go to damons resturant on Saturday so I have all intentions in being good
And then had Chinese :eek: was chop suey and a bit of rice and I'd didn't eat it all. But need to get refocused as have only done one day on plan since Sunday. Not good and have have 2 fast day fails this week. Being on holiday is tricky. Will be happy with a maintain next week and might fast again tomoro. Ben's brother and sister in law aren't coming now as their cat is being put to sleep :( he is a huge ginger Tom and so soft and dippy! Am a bit glad they aren't coming as it was taking over the end of my holiday, but was hoping snow would stop them not something like this. :(

Need to go to Aldi has have got no food at all! Will get basics as no meal plan so plenty of veg a bit of fruit and maybe some chicken. Not sure. And want to go back to Asda for some chewy delight bars and the Special K moment biscuits as I really like them and some bournville options as bought a sachet to try and enjoyed.
Got a but of a hangover today ooops had quite a bit of red wine and despite sleeping until 11 definitely feeling a bit rubbish. So far had a weetabix bar and just had a banana wasn't on plan yesterday at all so need to at least try today!! Fast day tomoro. Might have doze now as think that will help!
I may indulge in wine later. Meal out was crap. So was service. That bad even manager took £30 off bill. Wasn't on plan and feeling like f it day today
Did give in to hangover munchies but back at work today so hopefully will help me stay focused! Going to fast I am so tired tho going to be hard as should have been doing 2-9 am now doing 9-6 as woke up to a message asking me to change my shift but am still half asleep and house is a tip as was going to clean kitchen this morning. Dinner will be salmon and veg and a hot choc in broad church before an early night!!