Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Lost 0.5lbs I know that I shouldn't be annoyed as really hardly been on plan but am in a huge grump with everything at mo. need to get back in the game. Hope group motivates me!
So had pizza and vodka for dinner hardly head back in the game! Am whacked so bit of tv and then bed. Need to focus in the morning and plan. And shop, and clean!
Slept really badly last night, couldn't relax and switch off at all. Need to write a shopping list and plan my meals really for all of next week which is a bit tricky as not really any idea what hours I'm working! And neither does anyone else which is why I am so stressed! Need to stop procrastinating and move my arse!

Scales up to to 12st 0.5lbs today which is probably deserved! Think top of my list for planning is some warm comfort food as think that has been a bit of a problem this week I didn't want salad for lunch on Tuesday so ate buffet instead. So will look at my little book of soups I think.
Looking at my books to get my mojo back, looking at my HEXB on read days to shake it up a bit. Sadly am quite excited by all the pulses you can have! I love chickpeas and had no idea they were a HEXB :)
Right last time I did this it really helped so let's try it again

Thursday (think this will be green as no meat on the menu today)

B grapefruit nectarine tried to eat a kiwi but the white bit in the middle was in edible! Also got melon that needs eating.
L soup- Moroccan chickpea I think from the little book of soups with added scan bran I think! Pineapple and a Hifi bar possibly
D veggie chilli in whetherspoons syns will be a glass of wine with dinner


Going to try having half scan bran cake and half scan bran in soup not sure how that will go so

B scan bran cake and grapefruit melon sw quiche with smoked salmon and veg
L soup pineapple
D tuna balls with spicy tomato sauce


B scan bran cake grapefruit nectarine sw quiche with smoked salmon and veg
L soup
D out for my birthday

Sunday my birthday!!

B scan bran cake
L soup
D no idea! Sure cake will be involved! And some sort of sparkling wine!


B scan bran cake grapefruit melon sw quiche with smoked salmon
L soup and more fruit
D prawn and mango curry

B scan bran cake fruit
L soup and fruit
D tuna salad

B fruit sw quiche and yoghurt
L chicken salad
D cauliflower cheese as post wi treat

B scan bran cake and fruit
L soup and quiche
D chilli

B scan bran cake and fruit
L soup
D smash KFC chicken with beans and chips :) Friday night treat
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Been out for dinner stuck to plan UNTIL we complained about service and got free dessert for whole table :O all 853 calories of it!! 45 syns!!!!! OMG!

Got my head back in the game until then! Soup was so good and filling and got quiche made for tomoro too :)
Scales unsurprisingly up to 12st 1.25lbs this morning! Focusing on the positive I stuck to my choice of chilli and didn't have the curry which was another 600 odd cals when you added naan popadoms etc.

Aiming for a day completely on plan today am doing a 1-9 today and 7-4 tomorro so need to go and do a few bits in the kitchen to be ready! Need to prep some fruit and was up from yesterday's cookathon. And make a scan bran cake. So should go and do it really. One thing I hate about starting at 1 is getting dressed to get changed in to uniform but won't put my uniform on before I need to!
Forgot plan today is

B scan bran cake and grapefruit
L soup
D sw quiche with salad and fruit

Seriously hope that there aren't any treats today in the dining room my will power is v weak at mo, am considering taking my payment fob off my locker key so I can't buy anything! (We don't use money in the staff areas so no fob equals no temptation)

Looking at that need more fruit but don't think any of it is ripe grrrr!
Have found grapes to add to breakfast, apple to add to lunch and melon and pineapple to add to dinner! And got carrot and pepper and onion and tomato in the soup and salad with quiche so think my superfree is going ok!
Stuck to plan 100% today had no syns to compensate for yesterday and as in work until late so was easy. Food ready for the morning too. Am exhausted so hope I sleep ok
Not loving my scales this morning 12st 2.25lb which is up 2,5lbs on 3 weeks ago :(

Will be on plan until I finish work then it's my birthday meal so will probably go out the window! Am exhausted this morning so really hope that work is ok and not the chaos it was yesterday morning!
Oh Claire is it your birthday ???!!!!

Happy birthday chick.!!! Hope you have a lovely meal. Enjoy yourself. X

Sony arc s from lanzarote
Oh Claire is it your birthday ???!!!! Happy birthday chick.!!! Hope you have a lovely meal. Enjoy yourself. X Sony arc s from lanzarote

Thank you it is 00:02 here so officially my birthday! Had a lovely meal, cod fritter and steak in a Portuguese restaurant and 2 glasses of red wine was lush!!

Scales are down on this evening! That never happens to me am totally confused!! Anyway off to sleep now :)
My focus for breakfast and lunch is not to use my birthday as an excuse to eat rubbish! So scan bran cake to make soup to make an quiche to make I think! And a trolley dash round somewhere for some fruit I think!

Had some lush sistema stuff off my manager for my birthday was v excited about it as had been looking after miss corset mentioned it! Hadn't mentioned it to her tho so impressive effort on her part! Just need a cute new lunch bag and then I'll be sorted! Right better go and be a domestic goddess if I want to watch go later!
My lovely new lunchbox! So far today had scan bran cake melon and pineapple and 4 Lindt chocolate balls. Made beetroot and carrot soup from the little book of soups yum yum and sw quiche for tomoro and Tuesday for work. Now chilling waiting for my sister so we can exchange gifts :) her birthday was last week and not seen her.

Had some NSV to spur me one, OH mother said last night that I had lost weight, which was v nice as I haven't said I am doing sw and wore a top that I bought last year but really was too tight out for dinner and felt good in it still need to loose a bit more but can get away with it for now!


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Is that the new lunch box your oh brought you for your birthday lol. Have a lovely day chicken x
I fly home today so back on plan as soon as I get back !

Sony arc s
Lunchbox was from my manager I always have a million pots with me for breakfast and lunch so she got me more!

Had a really lovely day and food been okish

B scan bran cake melon pineapple
L soup apple
S nectarine
D salad low low ryvita and chilli beef

Syns 3 flutes of sparkling wine and a few chips 4 Lindt truffles not bad for a birthday

Scales say 12st 0.75lbs which is down on this morning I think!

Sleep as Downton abbey has kept me up late!
Hey Claire
Hope u have had a good day.!!
With us not getting back home until 3am. We missed downton. So will try and catch up with it tomo some time!
I love it.

Sony arc s
Hey final sat down and catching ! Had a fine day today part from eating Lindt balls thinking they would be 2.5 and they aren't they are 4 so no syns left!

Stuck to plan for today otherwise tho!

Downton was lush I love it!