Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Those are good suggestions hadn't thought of cold chicken will definitely do that, fruit is a definite and those velvet crunch are a great idea. Babybel are good too the children will eat those too! Might do a tomato pasta salad too! And syns for Vanessa's amazing Christmas cupcakes :) xxx
Class is tonight, will go even tho I am feeling exhausted. Done loads since finishing work washing, cleaning tidying, washed my hair been to Asda, looking forward to bed! Wedges for dinner when I get home from class expecting a gain for sure but I will try again this week!
Clare u have been poorly so maybe you body is keeping some extra. I'm sure that will come off next week once you start to feel better. X
Yes been a tricky week alround. Tried this on tho and it all fits am really happy as was all too small for so long! And a skirt I wore last Christmas is too big now! Was such a great feeling.

Excuse mess!!


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Thank you!!! Was from primark 5 yrs ago!! Mad huh! The top is coast and is 7 yrs old, was quite expensive so glad I got back in to it! Not actually going to a party but felt good putting it on as dress shopping had been horrid made me feel funny shaped! Think I will get a less dressy top to wear the skirt with, now I know what fits can shop a bit better. Glad I did it as made me see how far I have come
I haven't got anything smaller to try on. I haven't been this size since I was 19. And I only ever remember getting into a 14. Never a 12. So that's my mission lol.
That is a fantastic achievement, you must feel a million dollars :)

Am back on it like sonic this morning, not that I went off plan last night but have defrosted fish curry from the mag for dinner will grab something to go with it at work, either veg or salad undecided and will make myself lunch at work I think as I haven't really got anything here to eat.

Am munching on my scan bran cake with a liquorice tea at the moment. Had a big sleep which was great so feeling like I can face the day even if I do work with a load of idiots! Had a slightly annoying day yesterday, bent over backwards to try and help someone and had it chucked back in my face, v annoyed but my manager said last night on the phone she is on my side, which I always know but nice to hear!
That is a fantastic achievement, you must feel a million dollars :)

bent over backwards to try and help someone and had it chucked back in my face, v annoyed but my manager said last night on the phone she is on my side, which I always know but nice to hear!

Thank u. Yes I do. But still can't see it in myself yet other than clothes.

I hate it when you try to help people then they turn round and be like that. I'm very like. Ill do anything for anyone but if you cross me or make me look stupid. That's it I'm done. They can go whistle.!

What is liquorice tea like.? I'm not a tea fan but this sounds quite nice.

I have no idea what to have for tea today. Have you thought what your having.?
It carried on today, the woman did apologise but am not impressed. She have me a load of rubbish about not knowing x y and z but I am doing everything still and point was to do the coffee shop side of things and leave me to do other stuff. She isn't tho so I am doing it all. She complains she doesn't have any time but neither do I and I still do it. Time isn't an excuse in my bookgrrrr rang over!! Dinner none! Had a baguette for lunch and am still stuffed.

Liquorice tea is naturally very sweet but a not a liquorice flavour but I like it
I hate it when people moan about stuff like that. Don't start me on my neighbour.
I start to dread getting a text. And all the text will say is. . Is your kettle on.? . This is everyday. Always when she must know I'm busy. As once girls get home from school I don't seem to stop till about 7pm. And her girlfriend lives in London and comes up every other weekend. When she is up we don't hear a peep from her. She know Mark and I only get a few hours together a day with him working nights but she still texts at lunch time. Is kettle on.? Grrr also she moans she has no money to buy food.! She has just brought her EX girlfriend who she is still good friends with a bottle of perfume that cost ninety pounds (by Alexander mcqueen. Can't be that hard up.!! That annoys me.!
Sorry rant over. !! Lol
Hey. !!! so have u decided what your taking to longleat with you tomorrow? You need to wrap up. I think its gone so cold.

I brought a few more presents on line and from Tesco today. So will wrap them when the on line once come.!
Hello! Been a really busy couple of days, had to change shifts at work so been a bit disorganised eeek! Food yesterday was ok, well that probably a bit over optimistic but had a fab day! Had stollen, lots of coffee, mulled wine, cup cake and tuna pasta salad homemade. And a glass of wine when I got home. Tired today, ness who drove must be exhausted because it is an hour and a half each way plus she came back to Cardiff for an engagement party, was for someone from work, I wasn't invited (which was fine!) but as she is a manager she felt obliged to go. Was so much to do we had no idea really, did the safari park first and that worked well then went to the house where there are lots more animals, spent ages in the playground, the children loved the roundabout, made me feel sick just watching!! Even phishing was too much! Tried the maze but was too hard and was getting cold so went and had face painting and then the house and there was still stuff we didn't do!

So need to get on the soup today I think! Thought I might do the super speed soup as never tried that but thought I might try. Made a scan bran cake and need to think about food for tomoro then can go shopping on Tuesday morning as doing a late.

Also need to think about rest of Christmas shopping as only 4 weeks to go!

Finally scales being insanely kind this morning, 11st 4.25lb would be v pleased if it stayed like that until weds!! But thinking that prob not likely!
So please you had a lovely day.

Just wondering about the super speed soup you mentioned is this the one.?
can mixed bean salad
can green lentils
2 cans chopped tomatoes
can baked beans
handful of split lentils
2 large leeks
large onion
4 medium carrots
2 parsnips
1 green 1 red and 1 yellow pepper
2 ham stock cubes
salt and pepper
mixed herbs
water to cover ingredients

chop and put all veg in pan and everything else cover and bring to boil simmer until soft

can be left chunky or blended

This is the only one I can find.!?
Yes that is the one! Thank you! Not got the stuff to do it today. Might just defrost some beet root soup from the freezer instead and grab stuff tomoro from work. V tired today need to whizz round the kitchen and clean and think that might be it for today! GP later so will settle down with OH to watch that :)

Just washed my hair so need to sort myself out but am not feeling energised!!
Made some roasted butternut squash soup this morning and done a bit of cleaning and tidying so chilling now with a bit of tv too tired to do anything else!