Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

That is lovely! The lights in st David's in town are always fab, I remember the first yr the new bit opened I hadn't been as had moved house and sat an exam so had been mega busy went Christmas shopping and the lights were up was absolutely amazed and I still love it. Might drag oh to the winter wonderland soon as not been for yrs and looks fun!
Gah OH is now distracted by some phone issue and is wandering round like a bear with a sore head. Am getting v annoyed and at this rate will go on my own, I need petrol as petrol light came on while we were driving last night so could do that and leave him to his odd little stress!!!
Finally back went to m&s and boots which is just down the road got contact lens cleaner and curry for dinner made the best choice I could prawn buhna which is 7 syns, no naan for me which is 20 syns for the whole one! Hope it is worth the syns will have another HEXB with it either ryvita or more scan bran not sure tho!
No idea how I have done today as didn't have hardly any dinner then had 5 cafe snaps as needed something. Just had a peppermint tea and got biggest loser on iPad in bed with a hot water bottle. Doing 8-5 tomoro so hopefully manage a normal day of eating need to do a bit of prep before work I think on fruit. Got persimmon fruit to try :)
You never guess what I did today and I just realised.
In the sw tomato soup I made at dinner. You put baked beans in.!!! Duh. I'm on a red day.!
So I have had to syn them, I can't believe I have had to waste 6 syns on bloodly baked beans! ! Will pay closer attention. Silly me.
Oh no!!
That's why I decided against super speed soup as has stuff that isn't free in red would have to do success express instead.

Feeling ok now had a nice long sleep and am on my scan bran cake now. Need to make a salad for lunch and put together a fruit salad but need to get out of bed to do that!
Thank you :)

Excitement of the day we are in the gazette our magazine from the wknd :D


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Had an easy day today unheard of!! So made curry from scratch tonight delicious green masala and vanilla pannacotta is so yummy v low syn too so got a glass of wine :)
Annoyed with my scales this morning up 0.75 from yesterday and wi, but was really good yesterday so not fair :(

Just had a persimmon fruit was really nice, was pleasantly surprised as had tasters at work yesterday of dragon fruit and various other things all of which were gross!

Loads to do before work need to change bedding, cleaning and tidying in the kitchen and make pizza for today and tomoro but was awake for ages in the night so feeling a bit ropey. Have made a scan bran cake and going to have quorn sausages and scrambled eggs before work and wrap pizza at work with salad and more fruit. Then pretty similar tomoro I expect.

Back on my 24 a thon now will carry on while cleaning and making lunch but needed a sit down first!
Hey! Was a nice easy day at work again, need a few more of those before Christmas ;) food was ok I think. Had no syns until I got home and had 2 fruit ryvita with peanut butter and honey with hot choc am guessing that is about 15!! Stuck to plan ok at work feel I am back in the routine of that again had got out of it. Saw on the biggest loser that it only takes a week to undo all your good habits you teach yourself! So was a sobering thought!

8-4 tomoro hate working Sundays! Food prepped tho so no excuses!
Back to it again, am trying to munch scan bran cake but it is too moist and I am struggling need to get some of it down or I will be starving at work and make bad choices!

Not loving the scales this morning they are 11st 7.5 which is 3.5 up on wi!!!! What is going on!!

Not expecting an easy day today at work today Sundays tend to be hectic as doing same amount of stuff in less time, and in some cases a bit more as there are things we only do on Sundays!

Not sure what I am having for dinner might go to OH parents for roast but depends a bit on how I feel when I am finished and what else needs doing in the house and am back in at 6:30 so want to go to bed at a reasonable time.

Managed about 4 mouthfuls of cake not very good and hardly any of my tea as it is too hot! All round fail!!
Really struggling this morning is freezing cold and everyone is eating cooked breakfast. I have have had prawns dippers and mini chicken skewers might have to have a Freddie too. Sundays in work are hard and doing 3 this month :(
Has improved got through the lunch time by eating my pizza and my fruit which has been yummy. 2 hrs to go. Got a few bits to do and chase up so hopefully go fast
Day did go fast. Was a bit pushed in the afternoon but got it all done, not a had a brilliant day foodwise, haven't thought sod it but could have done better

Breakfast prawn dippers mini chicken satay mini milky bar
Lunch home made HEXB pizza salad, pineapple persimmon fruit, grapes mango
S tea and 3 cafe snaps, meringue
Dinner mini fish pies, baked beans and salad, homemade but by my mum who only does butter! Then pannacotta and another meringue

And got a large glass of red I will be having and just accepting it wasn't a great day. Really need to go and do fruit salad for lunch tomoro but feeling v un motivated!