Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

It is harder at home when I do 2-10 I hardly notice I just drink a lot of water. I am surprised how easy I find them I know if I ate now tho I wouldn't make it as eating makes me hungry but leaving it until 5:30 I find I am ok I. It really works for me it broke my plateau and I lost 3.5lbs when I did 3 fast days last time I am so keen to be 3lb beneath target to go away it just keeps me really focused!
Scales are unfairly up to 10st 12.5lb this morning!!!! Have been on plan and that's not fair!!! To add insult to injury today mum and dad are coming today and whilst I am going to make sensible choices for dinner I will be over my syns!

Going to go no make the oat cookies I have seen on the photo sharing site for breakfast need to get a move on!!
Sorry the scales are being evil :(... enjoy your nice meal and your cookies x
Scales are unfairly up to 10st 12.5lb this morning!!!! Have been on plan and that's not fair!!! To add insult to injury today mum and dad are coming today and whilst I am going to make sensible choices for dinner I will be over my syns!

Going to go no make the oat cookies I have seen on the photo sharing site for breakfast need to get a move on!!

Mmmm what are these oat cookies? Xx
HEXB oats mixed with an egg 3-5 tablespoons of sweetener and baked. They were lovely but too runny! Might work better in silicone cases as they need to be cooked longer than I managed! Think they should have vanilla essence in too but forgot that bit!

Had a huge shopping spree bought loads!!! Not keeping bikini but chuffed it looks ok!!


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Also got a dress and a top I'm not going to keep most from primark and £5 everything else in a sale apart from the pink maxi skirt which was £10! Could have bought twice as much!!


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HEXB oats mixed with an egg 3-5 tablespoons of sweetener and baked. They were lovely but too runny! Might work better in silicone cases as they need to be cooked longer than I managed! Think they should have vanilla essence in too but forgot that bit!

Had a huge shopping spree bought loads!!! Not keeping bikini but chuffed it looks ok!!
Oh my goodness..... no wonder you are chuffed.... you look wonderful :D
Bikini looks lovely think you need smaller size top in it though, but you look lovely in it.
And I love the 1st dress where is that from?? I want one :D
Hope the clothes shop made up for the scales being nasty.
Every thing looks pretty.... but that first dress is divine....great shoes too :D
Love all the stuff taking back a dress and top and shorts for Ben and the bikini after some adjusting Ben by looks better but is impractical! So might give up on bikini idea! Have got 2 already so can prob manage without!

Had burger and chips and creme brûlée for dinner not even vaguely sw! Was lovely tho! And scales say less than this morning?!!! Think I was retaining lots of water yesterday maybe? Even tho I drank nearly 3l?

Pub has stunning views was so nice and everyone was relaxed which was nice is easier when my sister and her boyfriend aren't there I think Ben is less nervous he is very shy and extra people just make it worse
Sounds lovely :)
Was a really lovely day.

On lunch now

B was overnight oats
L salad with crab sticks and egg cherries and strawberries
D ????

Maybe stir fry although can't remember what veg I've got at home!

My not bringing my money fob to work has stopped me getting crisps on my lunch

Had 2.25l of water so far will get to 3 easily today

Syns undecided possibly sauce for stir fry maybe chocolate or something like that I do half think I should cut back on syns today but I am going to fast tomoro and don't want to feel deprived today to stay on track tomoro
Had prawn stir fry for dinner and had ryvita and blue cheese triangles and crab sticks and had pops and maltesers with ginger beer! Yum yum

Good on plan day feel like I have had loads today!

Fast day tomoro will be tricky I think
Good luck for tomorrow... I've been fasting today xx
Scales up to 11st 1.5lb this morning! 3lbs up on yesterday! Goodness knows what is going on!

Having a peppermint tea at mo to get me ready for work then it's a fast day! Dinner will probably be a ready meal as I am feeling a bit lazy! Will see what there is in work when I come home.

Another beautiful sunny day a funny 8-4 shift today and day off tomoro. Need to shop and plan tomoro. Got plenty of fish so better look for some fishy recipes I think!!

And I need to properly syn my salad cream and suddenly addicted it with. Crab sticks!!