Think my to do list is nearly there need to Hoover and call to make waxing appt. put hot smoked paprika in my fish stew by mistake smells lush tho
Hotel in Vegas is confirmed and hopefully got a good view too
Planned tomoro kinda
B lm sausages with boiled egg strawberries and raspberries
L salmon salad cherries and raspberries
D burgers from the mag with salad and HEXB roll HEXA cheese and sw chips onion and mushrooms
Syns wine
Fast on Friday so pretty much the same as today altho harder as am working 6:30-3:30 this is definitely a pre holiday push!!
Hair on Saturday morning so a red day I think driving back to my parents as love my hairdresser
Fast on Sunday too
Horrid day on Monday 5:45-14:45

so red day for sure!
Fast Tuesday doing 7-4 so will be hard
Red day weds am late night so be an easy day
Thursday last fast day before holiday! Doing 9-5 but will be ok as want a new number so much that will get me through!
And realised my not so nice manager is off next week so only 3 days to go with her then 3 weeks off from her yay!!!
Want to try and have some grab and go food for when we get back too, I know it will be a hard week so need some easy stuff to hand so will plan that and shop for it soon