Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Made it to break which is half way through my shift. Fish stew is lush hot smoked paprika has improved it! Got strawberries and yoghurt for afterwards :)
Pressed send to soon! My sister has just texted to say she has a new job which is great as she is being made redundant.

Drunk loads today nearly 3l plus tea and coffee so done loads better than yesterday!!
Am pleased for her she is on holiday with her boyfriend and our parents so lucky for them too mum had said she was being a nightmare!!

Only 2hrs 10 to go now been counting down all night tonight been quite bored for some reason!
Great news about your sister clare. I'm. Like u I have to make lists. I think of things I need to do when I get home and make a list and put it in my bag.
With having Friday off work I think I'll start getting organised then.

Yes totally agree with everyone more superfree and water. X
I love lists we have online ones at google keep you tick things off as you go!

Have my own holiday lists too!

In bed now fasting done was easy as usual on a late and work tho dull was fine too
Have a lot of scale love this morning :D a new number! 2lb to target fasting really is working at the mo for me.

Going to change today to red tho I think. Won't manage as much water today but will aim for 2l plus hot drinks

Can feel the difference which I know is daft but my trousers feel loads looser


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Have managed 1.5l so far so feeling pleased. Grabbed a vanilla and a cappuccino muller for my fruit at breakfast and lunch from the staff dining room but was late for work :I actually left when I should have been at work ooops! Too much faffing about thinking I had loads of time!
Thank you been searching for ages for one to replace an urban outfitters one I had years ago this still isn't quite right but I like it. On mission grow my nails for holiday will shape them over the wknd. They won't be long work makes that impossible but want them the same length and neat polish looks good :D

Enjoying work today think I was just sick of lates had done 4 out of 5 and the 5th was Sunday which is worse! Only one now until holiday

Food going well had my lm sausages and boiled eggs and muller and raspberries they were lush
On lunch now 3l of water nearly done and had salmon salad with strawberries and yoghurt :)

No one worth talking to on lunch tho only a really annoying person so keeping on my phone to discourage her talking to me! Thank goodness for smart phones!

Having a fun day today am sorting out of home isle which is nice as want it looking great which I enjoy doing and tidying everything up too which I like! Going back in a tick as feel bad for being late and chatting past my break time :eek:
Thank you feel great at mo. Having 5 spice squid tonight as changed my mind about burgers. Need to find recipe tho! Will have oil as a HEXB and probably fruit ryvita with cherries when I get in now from work. Syns wine all the way but in at 6:30 so not too much!! Fasting tomoro so will be all about coffee and water to get me through work and will come home for lunch to avoid temptation and take my fob for the vending machine off again :)
Slightly ruined dinner :( put in too much fish sauce and was virtually inedible had 2 fruit ryvita which were lush. Might need something else too I don't want to be hungry later!
I'm so cold got hot water bottle refusing to put heating on tho! Ben is really down at the moment yesterday he was fine we talked about holiday and stuff and today he won't talk at all.

So I'm Netflix and wine on my own. who do you think you are at 9 too. Not had anything else to eat tho not hungry. Drunk loads today I think 4l drank a lot at dinner as the sauce was so strong!
Had crab sticks as a nibble off to bed soon as in work at 6:30 and need to make coffee for my break. Ben a bit better I'm not working this wknd tho and the gp is on so hoping we can spend some nice time together over the wknd.

My hands are really aching today not sure why been warming them on my hot water bottle
Massive fail work up 6 minutes before I needed to be at work :eek:

Manager is stressed it's her last day before holiday and there is a walk round now so she is being a pain too.

Scales up 2.5lb this morning to 10st 12.75!!! Assume it is to do with all the salt I had in dinner last night fish sauce and soy sauce was seriously salty!

Can't believe I'm already half way through my day! And lunch soon too!

Still fasting even tho I don't like my scales! Got SW sweets for later as I know I'll need something sweet. Fish stew for dinner.

Am being tortured everyone is eating cooked breakfast and I'm drinking my second bottle of water!
Ooh I'd forgotten there was a GP on! Will definitely be watching that on Sunday! (Or highlights at least...we pay more than enough for our Virgin Media already without paying for Sky Sports too!)

Sorry to hear you overslept hun - that's always so stressful! Awesome that you're already halfway through though. Well done for hanging on in there with the fast, despite temptation!

Think it might be on bbc live sky sports is my guilty pleasure! Only f1 tho not the rest!

Only 35mins until lunch am running round like a nutter at mo feeling very sleepy despite oversleeping!

Fasting is much harder this way round!