Hi ladies, sorry haven't been about had the day from hell yesterday then daughters party today. Sounds like lots has been going on!
Dont worry about it Christy, this diet is so restrictive that I would imagine it would be impossible to get to goal without any events happening in your life which require you to go off plan. It was a planned day not a slip up and you are in it for the long haul so as Fairy says build a bridge over it and move on. The most important thing is you are getting back on plan.
I understand what you mean Fairy about sneaking bits of food while you are cooking I have almost done it totally unconsciously over the last few days loads of times. The important thing is you recognise it and like Christy said to me, this diet is about breaking habits and that will take time.
Yesterday I was struggling A LOT! I felt like I couldn't do it, was starving, headache, sick etc me and oh had a blazing row, my cat is missing and I was crying my eyes out most of the day. I know I needed to eat something hot and "proper" to take the edge off ( sound like a druggie there lol !) so I have decided to go on SS+. I emailed my CDC and she said that was fine so I had scrambled egg with broccoli and cauliflower. Sounds gross but it was the most heavenly thing I have ever eaten, well felt that way last night ha ha!
I have woken up today feeling great. Had chicken with cucumber and celery today at my daughters bday and avoided the wine! Although I've had the odd hunger pang from my energy levels and the fact I haven't been as hungry as before I think I could be in ketosis.
Christy on SS+ can you use chilli flakes in cooking?
Good luck for college Fairy, what are you studying? If your tummy rumbles, down that water!!!
Literally was just gonna press post and my cat has come back!!! Phew been gone for a week.