Gold Member
BattyNora said:Thanks Tractor Girl. I won't give it up - worst cast, I'll repeat week three before moving on. I do spinning 3 or 4 times a week normally thinking of maybe swapping one for a . I did a 90 minute yoga class before the run (and it was a tough one, was sweating!) and I think it zapped my energy more than I realised..plus just two days off from exercise must have affected me more than I thought it would.
Randomly...saying about weight dropping off...I've been STS for three weeks since starting properly at the gym. Anyone else find the first weeks didn't help **** the pounds?
Abso- flipping - lutely and it's frustrating me to I dunno what - I've not shifted any weight on 5weeks !!!
I've lost inches - plenty - but those darn lbs aren't dropping - and wi Monday I'm having a paddy if it doesn't shift! Lol