I'm back after a few days of not having time on my computer, and there's lots to answer so bare with me as I multiquote (now I've learnt to do it)
Well done Tractor Girl and Tiphareth! You two are doing so well, it's amazing!
Thank you
I'm about to do Week 1, Run 3. I'm really positive about this. For the first time in my life, I think that I can actually do this!!!
Glad you're feeling positive, you've already done the hardest bit which is the getting started, I'm not saying it's easy but it's a worth while challenge
Hello all, pleased to report that I completed my first 5k today, in the pouring rain, was amazing, I kept a steady pace and even managed to sprint for the last 100m, I have my medal and could cry with the sense of achievement.
Yay for your first race, I've still not booked one.
I just about managed my 10k race today. I found it very tough but I did it & feeling quite proud of myself. I've another one in 2 weeks time so I'm hoping I'll be able to improve my time a little.
Yay for your race too, you should be feeling proud of yourself
Just completed week 1

I cannot believe I managed it as I have never been able to run and certainly wouldn't have been able to do it without the aid of the podcast.
I'm actually looking forward to starting week 2 !!!!!
Glad you're enjoying it.
Today I managed week 5 run 2. I was doing the 20 minute but only managed 10 mins before giving up and going back to the 8 minute run instead!
No idea how i'll manage the 20 mins on Thursday so think I might just do the 8 minute runs until im confident.
Do you think the heavier you are the harder it is? I'm wondering if i'll find this easier in a couple months when im a couple stone lighter but dont want to use that as an excuse to give up (not giving up btw!)
I think it is harder running whilst heavier as you're putting a greater strain on your joints and muscles due to the extra weight, just think you wouldn't think of running home with bags of shopping. Good thing with the plan is you can take it at your own pace, if you feel you need to spend more time at a certain point then do so, but also I found that half my problem is more mental than physical and I have to convince my head I can keep running more than I have to convince my body.
I did week 4 day 1 yesterday. It was really hard but I managed it
Well done to all of you with your amazing 5 and 10k runs, that's brilliant! Still don't see myself ever reaching that stage but keeping the faith with the podcast!!
Keep following the program and you will get there within a few weeks.
Just did wk6 r2 and boy did I enjoy it. I hated r1 of wk6 and felt down about it but it's completely turned around today. I can't wait for the 25 min run on Friday!
I think we all have days where it can be a struggle and others where we just seem to float along..... well not so much float, but it doesn't seem such a strain.
Hello to all the new people, glad you all seem to be getting on with the program.
I've just done week 7 run 2 and have come in soaking wet due to the rain. I'm not getting in as much running as I want at the moment as my tendonitis in my ankle is playing up so I'm taking more rest days than I'd like to in the hope this counts as resting it. Back to the doctors next week to get it looked at again. Strange thing is, it actual hurts less whilst I'm running.