Silver Member
Definitely go slower! At the moment time on feet is more important than speed. I think the trick with the 20 minuter (I just did it on Thurs) is to take it nice and slow and just keep plodding on. Try not to look at your watch too much (I guess many of you might have the pod casts, though I didn't like the count downs), I find that the longer I leave it between checks, the easier it is. The odd thing is that you CAN do it. The first bit is usually a bit tough where my body is kind of confused that I making it work all of a sudden, then it kind of gets in the zone and it gets easier for a bit, then when I think I must be nearly finished it gets hard again. But I just keep shuffling on (stubborn me!).I did try it again but went much slower and that seemed to do the trick although it was still hard!!
I start week 5 next week so pushing on although how i will manage with the "big" one on day 3 i dont know!! what i do know is that i am still determined to finish the programme!
I'm stalling at the moment, got to the end of week 6, started week 7 but just keep putting it off as I've got loads of other exercise I'm doing that I prefer to running (aqua aerobics, swimming, 30-day shred, squats and crunches etc). I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not having seen it through in the timeframe, but at the moment I can do about 15 minutes without getting bored or distracted and hopping off the treadmillThink I am destined to be a week 6 repeater forever
Have you tried running outside? It's whole different kettle of fish but MUCH more interesting! I also get bored, it's the biggest reason that I don't enjoy a run. I used to listen to music, but I now listen to a story podcast, it's so exciting that I often forget to look at my watch at all during the episode!
Well done Debbie, the end is in sight!
Hi Domane, we meet again