C25K Running Thread!!

Hi Guys, How's everyone doing?

I find the podcasts useful Surfhunny, but I'm afraid I cant help with any technical issues as my hubby sorts all that for me.

Well I did wk2 day1 today. Have figured will just plough on for the mo, and worry about time to do them when I get back to work as and when it arises. Did find out something quite interesting this session though. I really was struggling with breathlessness last week, and at first today but with the slightly longer 'run' segments I found I was forced to slow my pace to a really slow, steady jog pace. I suspect I was going far too fast for my fitness level (not deliberately just through lack of experience), and found breathing alot easier at my new granny pace. I did find I felt this session more in my legs than the wk1 sessions, but all in all surprisingly manageable.

Have you started yet Surfhunny, or are you just preparing at mo? If you have how are you getting on.

Good luck for w2d2try2 for tomorrow Irishmum.

And hows Shabba getting on??

Happy Jogging ladies!

and gents!!

gonna try it again too. got up to w4d2 before and twisted my ankle:( have tried it on numerous occasions but that was the furthest i got:)
Sorry breadbin didn't mean to be sexist.

You gonna be starting again from the beginning?

I dread to think how I'll get on when the running times go up.

Let us know how you get on, best of luck.
I just did W2W1 this morning :flirt2: I really felt like i needed the breaks ,especially at the end!

sorry i've been soooo busy this past week! We have a new car so have been enjoying the freedom again! :giggle:

Im thinking of getting OH to download the podcasts to help with my timing. the first workout i tend to forget what im timing so im a bit out LOL I lost 30seconds somewhere this morning. It was nice though, just me in the gym working the treadmill with nobody there! I even got a little catwalk walk going on the treadmill to amuse myself :rolleyes:

Nice to see some others attempting it! :D I still dont see how we can go from this to 5k in a few weeks :giggle
dextermummy;2362921Good luck for w2d2try2 for tomorrow Irishmum. Happy Jogging ladies![/QUOTE said:
LOL! Thanks! I'll be making sure I'm not available once I start this session this time!
I was the same as you jogging-wise, I think I was going too fast the first week as well? Now I'm walking at 4.5kph and jogging at 8kph (my treadmill is in kph :sigh:) and it seems to be fine?
I really need the walking breaks too though!
Now to get motivated to do W2D2 try2! LOL!:p:D

EDIT: W2D2 complete!!! Who-hoo!!! I really struggled with the last two jog sequences but made it! I still can't ever see myself jogging for more than a few minutes at a time though, or even enjoying it! LOL!
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Well done!! :cool: we're starting to feel the burn now :giggle:

My walking pace is 5.5km and my jogging is only 7.5km. I know i can do more but it turns into running not jogging for me.
The main thing is to go at a pace that is suitable for you. At the end of the day it is pointless trying to go too hard at first because you'll either get fed up with it, or worse, end up with a silly injury because you've overdone it! Rest days are important too.

The most important thing though is to listen to your body!
Well I just joined a c25k group on facebook, and scrolling through the comments a familiar story jumped out at me. Hehehe!! You know who you are, now so do I.

Anyway have done wk2 the past 3 days, I know, I know I should have had rest days, but back at work tomorrow and don't know when I'll get back to it. Besides I've really enjoyed it and not struggled. Not got a day off til next tuesday and gonna be real busy so it'll just go on how I feel whether I fit one in between now and then. Think I'll stay on wk2 til I'm gonna get a good run at it again. Will have to check my rotas and figure out when that might be. When clocks change if not before.
W2D3 complete!!! Who-hoo!!! :happy036::party0048: Go me!!! It was slightly easier than W2D2 but I could feel it more in my legs, though I wasn't just as breathless this time? I've found if I do have a break day in between I find it easier, might be just me looking for an excuse to be lazy though?:whistle:
I'm not 100% sure I'm ready for W3 yet, but I'll give it a go on Friday and see how I get on? I'm going to break out the weights & fitness mat tonight to start working on toning my upper body/torso on my 'rest' days? :character00115::character00116: Well, thats the plan anyway!:p
Dextermummy- I think it's a good idea to stick to W2 whenever you can for the time being? Especially if you're fit enough to do it without too much effort, then keep up that pace until you're ready (have the time) to go onto W3?I'm not expert though! LOL!;)

Theres no law says you have to do this in 9wks (thank God!):angeldevil:
As jim said the rest days are to get your body rested again. I do really benefit from them altough next week i have to do it Weds dinner and thurs morning because im out Friday and wont be near a gym till the following week :eek:

Well done for W2W3 :cool:

Just done W2W2! :flirt2:
what is the podcast im looking for?

I sent OH to get it as he's better with that and he said there were loads and he didnt know which one to get :confused:
Is it the Robert Ullreys ones? Theres a seperate one for each week, thats why theres so many? THe musics not my cup of tea at all, but I find them brilliant for timing and I don't think I listen to it at all really- I'm too busy concentrating on my breathing! LOL! Bring on the day when I can listen to MY music while jogging for 30mins at a time!:p;)

Going to attempt W3D1 today...:eek:
Thats him. ill have to go and have a look myself tonight! :cool:

How was the WDW3? :eek:

Im done on W2 now!!! I did it on "hill" on the treadmill and i felt it. Im going to attempt W3W1 on Monday and see how i go.:flirt2:
Hey guys, been down and out for a few days with a virus (computer not me), and just getting caught up on the posts.

Desperate to know how people are getting on with week 3, coz I'm dying to try it. Might give it a go tomorrow.

Only got one sesh in this week, sunday morning before work, and I loved it!!

Anyone else find they start to get a stitch in their 'brisk walk' stage but then it goes the second they pick up the pace?
I've had a busy weekend so havent been on since Friday!

Did W3W1 today and i found it quite easy! not sure how ill feel when i add a hill to it! :eek: I was comfortable till the end and by then i just thought i was on my last run so stick to it and i was fine!

I have another busy week and weekend but fitting all workouts in when i can.

I was questioned over what i was training for as well today. the guy didnt seem impressed i was just doing it because i wanted to run :confused: He kept telling me to do the race for life because "if i can run 15km at my age you sure can run that" :rolleyes: not got anything against it but im not interested in it. I am however, looking forward to running the streets in the summer :flirt2:
Week 3 day 1 completed today. Found it fine, could have kept going, which surprised me coz I really expected to struggle with the 3 min runs. Hope everyone else is getting on well. I'm doing Race for Life Shabba, but there's no reason you shouldn't be doing this for yourself.

Got badminton tonight for the first time ever!!! Scared!!!
Jeez- way to go Dextermummy! I completed W3D2 today and after a 3 day break found it tough going? But I did it!! I slowed my 2nd jog to 7.5kph (from 8kph) and that helped, then walked at 5.5kph for my warm-down (usually 4.5kph) so hopefully that'll even it out? I'm so chuffed I actually finished it!
Still can't see myself ever jogging for more than a few minutes at a time though!
Hi girls,

Hope you don't mind me poking my nose in - you're all doing so well. I'm on w3r3 and I'm loving it at the minute (which is strange cos normally i get breathless running upstairs).

Anyway I just wanted to recommend an app for those of you who have an ipod touch or iphone. Its the same program as Robert Whatshisname but instead of listening to his dance music it runs in the background of your own music and fades the volume to give you instructions. It also keeps track of all your runs. It really is excellent, and a brilliant motivator (I don't work for them, honest!). I don't think its that expensive either - heres a review:

Get Running

Anyway hth and good luck :)
iphone? pah dont swear at me! :giggle:

RIM for life :p

Well done ladies! all doing so well!!

I just did W3D2 and it killed. I did it with hills though because im not at work friday, im off to the zoo so plenty of walking instead! Im hoping to go out sunday and do it on the streets :eek: as well as doing a repeat tomorrow morning before work :cool:
What is your obsession with hills Shabba!??!?! LOL! I struggle on a treadmill (0% incline!) Are you a masochist?? Only kidding- fair play to you! I'll stick at the treadmill until the evenings get brighter and wait til I'm a bit fitter before I venture into the 'real'world!
W3D3 complete!! I really thought I wouldn't be able to do it today. I began thinking I'd do 2 x 90sec jogs at the end instead of the 3min jog, but when it came to it I thought- "I can do this!"...and I did!! :D:D:D I can't believe it!
I'm now thinking I'll repeat this day on Monday to ease myself into wk4...but we'll see on Monday how I feel, I felt like that at the start of wk3! LOL!:p;)