Hi Guys, How's everyone doing?
I find the podcasts useful Surfhunny, but I'm afraid I cant help with any technical issues as my hubby sorts all that for me.
Well I did wk2 day1 today. Have figured will just plough on for the mo, and worry about time to do them when I get back to work as and when it arises. Did find out something quite interesting this session though. I really was struggling with breathlessness last week, and at first today but with the slightly longer 'run' segments I found I was forced to slow my pace to a really slow, steady jog pace. I suspect I was going far too fast for my fitness level (not deliberately just through lack of experience), and found breathing alot easier at my new granny pace. I did find I felt this session more in my legs than the wk1 sessions, but all in all surprisingly manageable.
Have you started yet Surfhunny, or are you just preparing at mo? If you have how are you getting on.
Good luck for w2d2try2 for tomorrow Irishmum.
And hows Shabba getting on??
Happy Jogging ladies!
and gents!!
gonna try it again too. got up to w4d2 before and twisted my ankle