Caledonian Smurf's Diary

Morning Caledonia, glad to hear the headache passing. Agree - atkins is all about yummy food for me:D
Morning Cally, Thank you love. LOL @ Hairy Canary, haven't heard that in a long time :)
Glad you like the canary. LOL
Just goes to show what happens when you just type a thought that was in your head :confused:;)

Past couple of days were tough, not food wise - ketosis. So drained and tired. I know it is a good sign and my body is adjusting well.:rolleyes:

First weigh in tomorrow, it is usually a biggy one week in. :cross:

It is going well both of us on Atkins, sharing the cooking :rolleyes: has to be seen to be believed, two porkies in my wee kitchen at the same time..:love:LOL

Fat girls and feeders on TV, Hmm, emotions all over the place now.

Don't Think Drink :waterbottle::waterbottle::waterbottle::waterbottle::waterbottle::waterbottle::waterbottle:
Weigh in later... OH is saying to wait till he gets back in this afternoon. ARGH!!!

The scales... the scales are calling me.:(

Had roast chicken with cauli mash last night, had to laugh, munching on crispy chicken skin, but weighing out the veg. ;)

Would love to get back to Zumba class, but tired and if I am honest a bit insecure. May try a bit of Wii action later, at least it would get me moving - even if I am rubbish at it LOL. Dance on Broadway, Just Dance, Wii Fit, biggest Looser etc etc... :rolleyes: I would be a Skinny Minnie if only I actually used them after buying:eek:
At last he is home.....

YAY 9lb's down WOO HOO. :bliss:

H2B is 10 down sigh, oh well I have further to go than he does...
Fab loss Caledonia - what a great start! And sadly you will have to ignore OH's losses - men just do better than women at low carb - but you'll get there! :)
I'll cheer you up, Me E lost 3lbs whereas I lost 5lbs - no doubt it will be the other way around next week!
Fab loss Caledonia - what a great start! And sadly you will have to ignore OH's losses - men just do better than women at low carb - but you'll get there! :)

Thanx, I am well chuffed.

:)men seem to do better with weight loss in general, he is teasing me somehing cronic. :rolleyes:

Just wait till he has to buy me a new wardrobe... undies, clothes, shoes the works hee hee hee.:flirt2:
Well done on the great loss Cally... :) x
Curry burgers for dinner last night, okay I suppose, but the ketosis has kicked in big style, so not really bothered. :D

Tried a bit of Wii Fit, Hadn't done it for a while, last time I was 12lbs lighter :eek:

Trying a book recipe for Tuna Loaf tonight, If I was just feeding me, I'd dump a can of tuna in a bowl - no messing about fancy - BUT H2B has decided we should be cooking properly.:rolleyes:

Pesky cat was on the prowl last night, seems to like rubbing his face on my bedside table LOL. Not so funny at 1am, nor 3, or 6 for that matter.:sigh:
Must be the full moon.
Morning Cally, never thought of curry burgers. Hmmmmm
Morning Cally... Pesky cat! Lol... Pics please! :) x
I haven't disappeared, had a bad couple of days - not diet wise, that is going well.:eek:

So back to normal now, weigh in today have lost another 2 pounds :)

Tried on wedding dress, it goes on LOL just that the bottom of the zip sits at my waist and not the hips :eek: and no way will it do up, but hey-ho at least I fit in it;)

Had a lovely dinner, goats cheese chicken rolls, with spinach and butter and pepper yummy, it is a keeper.

H2B has done well too lost 4lbs:D