Didn't get a chance to exercise today. It was raining all day, and ended up sanding down the rails leading to the stairs, in order to paint it. Sanding by hand sure makes my arms sore.
Food was pretty good today. My Oh made some Falukorv stroganoff (Falun sausage) for lunch, which was surprisingly yummy. I've never had it before and it's really different from the usual beef stroganoff, as it's made from swedish sausage. Also they tend to add tomatoes into the stroganoff here.
Dinner was homemade hummus with spinach and rucola salad with chicken. Homemade hummus is always so yummy. Though we forgot to buy cucumbers and yogurt to make tzatziki

Oh well, will have to remember it for next time.
Breakfast: Musli with dried peaches, raspberries and soy milk.
Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate.
Lunch: Falukorv stroganoff with barley/oat/basmati rice mix.
Snack: Cottage cheese with pumpkin seeds, and a peeled apple.
Dinner: Hummus, spinach/rucola/tomato salad with seasoned chicken and lots of lemon juice.
Snack: 2 pieces of dark chocolate.