Cali Sweden's Diary

Welcome to my new weigh in day! My weigh in days have been moved to Fridays from now on. So I can have my food weekends on actual weekends now. Sure I can not have a food weekend at all, but then again if I didn't allow myself to eat some things that I want to, I'd end up breaking the diet for good. So I use the 80/20 rule on the weekends.

I'd love to lose all the weight really fast and be skinny again by like tomorrow. But then again this isn't a race, this is about my health and a change of lifestyle. What's the point of losing all the weight tomorrow or next month, if as soon as I eat normal food I gain 5 lbs back immediately. Also I don't want to be just skinny, I want to be fit and healthy skinny.

I'm sure most probably think I should have lost more weight this time around since I had an extra 3 days added to the weigh in week. Though I did have a double food weekend this time, which didn't help. But I still did manage a weightloss, so it does give me comfort knowing that it will be easy to maintain the weightloss with low GL foods in the futre.

Here's the 18th weekly weight update:

-1.0 lbs (-.45kg)

Total amount since started: -19.8 lbs (-9kg)
Wow what a marvellous attitude you have!! You are so right. By making a lifestyle change you are losing weight and will be able to maintain your losses .
Right now you are 19.8 lbs, helll its 20 lbs!!, down. Yet you have a fab varied and interesting diet. No low fat this or no sugar that, just honest to goodness food in modest amounts. You won't be regaining the weight unless you go back to high carb and processed foods.
Well done on another great week. Enjoy your 20% weekend!
Thank you Molly! Yes it's technically 20 lbs :) It feels nice to finally reach that amount of weightloss. At times it does feel like it's taking a long time to get to my goal weight. But when I think about just a little over 4 months ago I was 20 lbs heavier and didn't have the muscles I have now, it makes me realize just how much I've accomplished:)

I'll take the weight and muscles I have now anyday over how I was when I first started this weightloss journey:) The health I have and the foods I eat now are so much better, and I feel so alive because of it.

Oh yeah I just realized that I'm finally in the 150s range now:)
Today wasn't the best day for my food, but I tried to do as best as I could. OH brought home lunch today, and I was only able to eat half. I ate mostly the salad part of the lunch.

We went shopping in the city today, and did some bit of running around. There was a lot of traffic today. We bought some more paint, paintbrushes etc. I also got myself an ear wrap thing for my walks, so now I won't have any more frozen painful ears:) When we were done with everything, we still had to drive by the inlaws. I noticed that by the time we'd get home it'd be really late and it'd be a really long time since I last ate. So my OH stopped by Burger King since it was on the way. He forgot to order me water, so I was stuck with the cola, I only drank half, and luckly it had ice in it. I did eat a few french fries and onion rings. But I realized that I no longer find fast food so wonderfully yummy anymore. I ate it just because I was so hungry. I didn't even care about the french fries. Before me would have cleared the french fries, instead I let it all go to waste.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with raspberries, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, raw honey and soy milk.

Lunch: Half a salad burger (it's actually a pita bread stuffed with salad veggies, ham, shrimp and chicken).

Snack: 1/4 of Allévo bar.

Dinner: Burger King Angus burger with grain bread, 4 onion rings, 5 pieces of french fries, and half a cola.

Snack: Handful of red grapes.
We slept in late today, so we ate brunch instead of having breakfast and lunch later. The weather was really nice out today, 12°C sunny and no wind. I took advantage of the nice weather and went for a walk. OH decided that it was so nice so we should try walking past the farms and explore into the forest to see if we get back into town. We always see people walking from that direction and discovered a trail where many people were jogging. It was really nice, the walk took us about 70 minutes.

I ate a couple of naughty things today, but I still kept it in check. But I think I did enough walking today to burn off almost anything. Earlier this week one of the stores had a British sale, and had things like cheddar, shortbread, salt and vinegar crisps etc. I absolutely love shortbread fingers, and my OH ate some, so I took two.

Brunch: Leftover Ketchup soysauce and garlic pork, chinese style spicy eggplant, and bastmati rice/oat/barley mix.

Snack: 2 pieces of dark chocolate.

Snack: 1 kaki (Japanese persimmon), a handful of salt and vinegar crisps.

Dinner: Entrecôte steak with bellpepper, carrots and onion, and barley/oat/basmati rice mix.

Snack: A couple of crackers with cheddar, and 2 shortbread fingers.

Exercise: 70 minutes really long walk.
Your walk sounds lovely. :)

Cheese and crackers AND shortbread! Lucky girl. :D
Your walk sounds lovely. :)

Cheese and crackers AND shortbread! Lucky girl. :D

I don't know about lucky, but they're so good. I did keep my portions in check, before me would have ate 4 shortbread fingers, and ate way more cheese and crackers. I did tell my OH "darn those Brits, and Scotts for making such yummy things.":D:17729:
I wrote a huge post last night, but right before I was about to post it, I guess my hand must have touched the touchpad on the laptop. So boom it goes over to an ad website :mad:.

Today is our anniversary, but last night we decided to go out and celebrate it as we'd be able to take our time at the restaurant. If we went tonight we'd have to rush into to town to eat and rush back home. We went to our favorite Greek restaurant:D.

I didn't have a low GL friendly meal, but like my OH said our anniversary is only 1 day out of the year and I should enjoy it. So I did, I didn't feel guilty at all. I did have a cola because usually the city water tastes horrible. I was shocked at how little I was able to eat last night, it was my first time eating there in a very long time. My OH and I both realized we don't care much for potatoes at all now, they aren't as tastey as they used to be. Before I'd eat a lot more potatoes with my meal.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with strawberries, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, raw honey and soy milk.

Snack: 2 shortbread fingers.

Lunch: Leftover entrecote steak, mixed veggies and barley/oat/basmati rice mix.

Dinner: Grilled chicken souvlaki, mixed veggies, 5 potato wedges, tzatziki, cola and baklava.
Happy Anniversary!!! Of course you should have the occasional blow out and enjoy it too. I have to agree with you regarding potatoes etc. I used to love them but now I can pretty much take or leave them too. It is funny how GL changes our attitudes to foods we once loved.
Have a good week.
Happy Anniversary!!! Of course you should have the occasional blow out and enjoy it too. I have to agree with you regarding potatoes etc. I used to love them but now I can pretty much take or leave them too. It is funny how GL changes our attitudes to foods we once loved.
Have a good week.

Not only attitude towards food changes, but the taste bud changes too.
I decided to experiment and try making pilaf out of basmati rice, barley and oats mix. It turned out really good :)

Breakfast: Oat porridge with raspberries, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, cinnamon, raw honey and soymilk.

Snack: 1 kaki.

Lunch: 1 slice of rye bread with peanut butter and jam.

Snack: Cottage cheese with pumpkin seeds, and a peeled apple.

Dinner: Chicken, brussel sprouts, and barley/oat/basmati rice pilaf.
Awww thank you for the encouraging words Plum. I'm trying to be really good. It's tough this time of the year.
The pilaf does sound good and you are doing amazingly well. :)
Had a pretty busy day, but I managed to do yoga finally. I couldn't go another day without doing yoga. I felt really sluggish, but after I did yoga, I felt alive again:)

Breakfast: Oat porridge with raspberries, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, raw honey and soy milk.

Lunch: Chicken, brussel sprouts, and barley/oat/basmati rice pilaf.

Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate and 1 kaki.

Snack: A peeled apple and a couple of walnut pieces.

Dinner: Chicken, brussel sprouts, and barley/oat/basmati rice pilaf.

Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate.

Exercise: Pushups, cruches, and 30 minutes of yoga.
This week has been cold, I decided to go on my walk today even in 6°C. The ear warmer thing works really well. My ears didn't get cold, and I didn't get a headache :).

I have a bunch of avocados to use, so I made Mexican shrimp cocktails for dinner. They're really yummy and lots of veggies, tomatoes, onion, avocado, cucumber, jalapenos, lime juice, tomato juice, and koriander. I think I ate too much, but not sure if it's a bad thing, since it's majority veggies.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with blackberries, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, raw honey and soy milk.

Snack: 1 kaki and 1 piece of dark chocolate.

Lunch: Chilli from the freezer.

Snack: 1 clementine.

Dinner: Mexican shrimp cocktail with two normal crackers and 1 knäckebröd.

Exercise: 26 minutes walk, pushups, crunches, and 30 minutes of yoga.
The sun was actually shining this short afternoon :) So I went on my walk, with my new favorite clothing, the ear warmer thing.

I made more Mexican shrimp cocktails tonight, so I can use the last of the avocados. All the avocados are finally used up and my OH is very happy. He loves Mexican shrimp cocktail. They're really yummy, and really healthy too.

Tomorrow is weigh in day, and I have to say I'm a bit nervous. The scale hasn't been my friend all week, and I've been watching portion sizes and everything. It was me being greedy with the baklava on Sunday probably.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with blackberries, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, raw honey and soy milk.

Lunch: Chilli from the freezer.

Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate. Cottage cheese with walnuts and a peeled apple.

Dinner: Mexican shrimp cocktail with 2 knäckebröd.

Exercise: 27 minutes long walk, pushups, crunches, and 30 minutes of yoga.
This week's weigh in didn't go as I planned it. I plan for at least 1-2 lbs weightloss a week. I blame it on the baklava I ate Sunday, though my OH says ít wasn't. He says that I most likely starved myself the rest of the week trying to overcompensate for eating the baklava. He's most likely right. I've been going to bed way too hungry trying to be very careful at dinner times. I was hoping in doing so I'd lose the 1 lb I gained from the weekend baklava, cola and other sins. But instead I lost .4 lbs and it stayed that way all week until today.

It was very annoying to not see the scale budge at all when I was so hungry going to bed and when I woke up. Looks like I learned my lesson. Don't try to overcompensate so much just because I ate something really naughty. Just go back to eating normal low GL portions the next day. I guess in the end I really did feel guilty for eating baklava and drinking a cola.

Here's the 19th weekly weight update:

+.4 lbs (+.18kg)

Total amount since started: -19.4 lbs (-8.72kg)
This morning was a blah morning. I felt down about the weight gain, but I also was upset with myself for overcompensating. All day I was so hungry, I guess because since Monday I've been pretty hungry at nights, and last night especially I was super hungry by the time I went to bed. Really not good to do.

It was a really beautiful day out today, so I went for a walk. Gotta love my walks:)

Breakfast: Oat porridge with blackberries, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, raw honey and soy milk.

Snack: 2 shortbread fingers.

Snack: ½ a kaki, 1 clementine.

Lunch: Chilli from the freezer.

Snack: Popcorn.

Dinner: Entrecote steak, with fresh asparagus and quinoa.

Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate.

Exercise: 29 minutes long walk.
Aw, poor you. Being hungry on a diet is never a good thing, going to bed hungry is a no-no and being on GI, you should never go hungry as it's counter-productive to the principle. But you know this already. Oh Cali, you forgot the 80/20 rule. One meal with baklava and cola is not going to make a difference to your weight loss. Especially as you do a lot of exercise.

Like you said, if you have one day of indulgence, just step right back on the GI treadmill the following day. Look at me, I take breaks from GI when I want to and some days I eat unhealthy stuff but I am still losing weight because I get right back on the treadmill, making sure I eat enough of the good stuff.

I feel really bad for you because you suffered with the hunger when there was really no need to. :bighug: