OMG!!! I so hate when I lose what I was typing. This is the 2nd time now. Argghhh! Breathe, wooo saaaaa, wax on, wax off>_<. I was almost done writing and I miss hit a button and it goes to a different screen. Booo. Sorry about that, just get's a little annoying
Let's try this again.
Food was really yummy today, I love my stirfries

I did have some naughties, as it was a mini Semla. But at least it was homemade almond paste, so I felt it was a plus, and it was mini.
I get to celebrate a non-scale victory today. I was able to do the full boat pose in yoga. A while ago I tried to do a modified boat pose, and it was impossible. Lately I've been feeling stronger in my core and arms, so I felt that maybe today it would be nice to try it. I was able to do several of them, and hold them for a bit

Breakfast: Oat porridge with raspberries, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, agave syrup and milk.
Snack: 2 pieces of dark chocolate.
Lunch: Pasta cassrole, spelt pasta, broccoli, mushrooms, onions, and garlic.
Snack: Mini Semla.
Dinner: Chinese style spicy chicken and green beans stir fry, with oat/barley/buckwheat/rice mix.
Exercise: Pushups, crunches, and 30 minutes of yoga.