Coke zero, live for them!!! Don't know if I could do this without my coke zero!!! Have a major freak out if I don't have a can of coke zero, have a major freak out if anyone wants one of them. WILL NOT SHARE THEM!! Lol selfish me!!
Never been to Spain, but I am going to Paris to see fleetwood mac in October...couldn't get a ticket for the uk so decided to go to Paris instead. It is my 30th birthday present to myself, not sure whether to make a long weekend of it or whether to go for a week. I am going on my own though. If I am still on sole source then I want to stick to it while I am away, will feel like a bit of a travesty going to Paris and not eating but can always go again when I am eating, read too many horror stories about people going mad and putting a stone on. Still I should be the lightest I ever remember being by then.

Who knows maybe I will meet a nice french guy and stay there lol!!! Luckily I have never had to have an extension belt on planes, didn't even know they existed until reading on here about how people have needed one/get scared of needing one. Will definitely not need one by then!
Sometimes I really struggle to have 3 products, I know it is bad but there have been a few occasions when I have only had 2 in a day.
I have switched permanantly to tetra packs now, originally I only had 1 or 2 either as a treat or because I was busy and after that I just suddenly couldn't be bothered to mess around making shakes up.
I am quite boring in as much as I normally have apple and cinnamon porridge, lemon yoghurt bar and a choc tetra. Tried mixing it up this week by getting 5 porridge, 4 peanut crunch, 4 lemon bars, 3 choc tetra, 3 strawberry and 2 banana but I really miss having all chocolate. I only got 5 porridge because porridge is too inconvenient if I am having a busy day!! Decided I actually don't like banana tetra!! Still only got one left!!
Only just over 5 weeks til food break week. Was adamant at first that I didn't want to do it but as time has passed the more I have thought about it the more I think it is a good idea, will hopefully reboost me to carry on and reboost my weight losses as maybe they will plateau by then!!