Cambridge Diet 6 Days in on SS

So I had my weigh in this morning, I'm very chuffed! Now, considering it's been the run up to Totm and mother nature made herself present on Friday, and I'm doing ss+ an 8lb loss is good! Gonna try and just do ss for a few days, push for my stone in 2wks :)

Goodluck for your weigh ins ladies x
Well done you that's fantastic news!! Well I've just got back and mine was a 5lbs loss, shows there is something wrong with my scales here although like you Mother Nature has also arrived and I'd had three glasses of water and my porridge, would that make a difference?? I've decided to do soul source + now though, feel I need that evening meal!
Even after my first glass of water I weigh heavier, so three glasses and porridge have probably put and extra lb or 2 onto your weight.

Well done on your loss, that's brill, and it's possibly more :) My scales are a lb out to my cdc but it's still the same amount of loss on any scales.

I will try my hardest to do ss this week but I've enjoyed my first week on ss+ so if later on I feel I need the meal, I shall just have it. Suppose that's the freedom you get with doing ss+, you can pick and choose if you need the meal. My cdc said I can alternate if I wish :) x
I think that's what I'm going to do as well, funny today seems easier knowing that I can have that meal if I want too, does that make sense?

What's your end goal?
It makes perfect sense, I've already decided I'm having a meal this evening lol. I've just messages my cdc to see if pickled eggs are allowed beings as we're allowed eggs and vinager, she said yes, so im having 85g chicken with my salad leaves and a pickled egg sliced up (disgusting to some, heaven to me) lol.

I have a lot more weight to shift than you, my start is 15st 7lb, today I'm 14st 13lb and I want to get to 10st.

What you gonna be eating? (always looking for inspiration lol)
Funny I just asked if we could mix the things so a bit of egg chicken etc. Well doesn't matter what we've got to loose, we are striving for the same end goal and talking to people like is helping me! I want to get to 9 if I can, I'm only 4ft11 so I need to loose it!

If you buy the chicken seasoning, I batter the chicken breast and coat it, griddle it and then I do spinach, leeks, mushrooms with a squeeze of lemon and one garlic clove sliced, griddle that as well and serve the chicken on top, it's lush! Obviously I'm thinking an omelette would also be good with the mushrooms in and leeks and was just wondering to myself if cottage cheese would go in an omelette? Xx
My consultant said I weren't allowed lemon as it would bring me out of ketosis, citric acid does that apparently, but all the rest sounds yummy! Thanks. I'm 5ft 2in so I have to lose a lot before I look normal lol.

I think mixing some chives and spring onions in with the cottage cheese and having it with a spinach salad would be nice.

I'm determined to get there, and I'm sure you will. I just have to remember to stick to the quantities in the book, it's so tempting just to go that little bit over :( lol xx
I don't even know if I'm in ketosis!! I know she said lemon effects some and not others but I'm really saying a tiny squeeze of a slice they put in a drink and no more. I will ask again, oh she replied and said it's fine! So hard to know, I feel all I ever so is ask questions lol!!

We will get there, I'm fed up with now so onwards and upwards, we will be wearing our bikinis and drinking cocktails by the pool eventually lol x x x
Yeah, I can't see how a little would hurt. My cdc thinks I'm in ketosis because my mouth is dry all the time despite all the water I'm drinking. My hunger pangs aren't anywhere near as much as the beginning and my headaches have lessened.

We will be able to wear 'summer' clothes, rather than what'll cover us up! I'm excited about shopping for summer clothes. I've starter what you suggested, about putting £5 away when I've done well :) xx
Well I have the dry mouth and I def don't feel as hungry today but my head is banging! Have you downloaded the app?

That's a fantastic idea, why shouldn't we have a treat ??
I have but haven't actually used it yet. Lol. Perhaps you are in ketosis then, dry mouth is normally a sign. I've still got headache but they aren't as bad. xx
I find it useful to make sure I drink enough, it reminds me!

Maybe, I really don't feel hungry, somehow I have to have all 3 things, wonder if it matters how late you have the last one? Xx
I usually have my last one about 8 :)

I drink bottled water, I put 8 bottles of it out on the side and make sure they're all gone apart from one which I take upto bed with me, which is gone by morning.

I try and have 2 by 10am, another 2 by 2pm and another 2 by 6pm, one between 6pm and bed time and the one that I take to bed. Asda do 12 bottles for £2(bargain) xx
Sounds like you've got it sorted, that's what I need to do! Get a routine going! It's half term so having the kids here has made it more difficult but I will get there!

I've decided not to have the omelette tonight, I've stuffed a small chicken breast with a smidge of cottage mixed with Cajun spice and will have with spinach and leeks! Can't wait :)

Any update on pickled eggs? I've never had one!
Ooooo, that sounds lovely. And yes, we're allowed pickled eggs, just had a pickled egg salad lol.

I find it difficult with the kids around, especially when they want snacks or treats, normally of they have crisps and I open them, I nick one or two before handing the opened packet over lol(prob why I'm the size I am) and they'd ask if I want one etc, it's difficult saying no lol. xx
I'm just cooking mine while my lot are having sausage mash and beans!

Oh yes I love crisps but I find if you lick the bag (honestly) you feel like you've had some!! I checked it was ok with my CDC too lol xx