Jens journey
Full Member
Well done
x got my weigh in tomorrow looking forward to it xx
Good luck with weight in .
I am doing CD with exercise too,but just getting back into the zone.
foxy x
I've started exercising too and it feels so much better!!
Jen I think maybe even sole source plus would be good for you, if you just have 2 shakes or soups or bar .. Just 2 and increase UR food intake and veg you'll be fine, my counsellor said that should be fine! I'm sure your counsellor will have advice for u tho
How'd you get on today? Xxx
I cant wait to go to gym feel ten times better after a workout...what do u do in the gym? I'm moving onto step 2 next week..lost 5.4lbs this wk! I'm 5lbs away from my healthy bmi my consultant said I should be on step 2 but she wants me to do one more week of ss I have been having chicken and veg the odd night going to have chicken all wk this have u been today? I was out for my first meal yesterday and ordered chicken breast grilled no sauces nothing was lovely and chuffed I stuck to planxxx
Awwww go you that's brill.. Your doing great! Least your gonna be able to have a little more food.. Yeah I've been good, need to drink more water tho! Well I have my gym in my garage I have a treadmill, bike , cross trainer and vibrating plate so just a mixture of them every nightI don't really run in treadmill as I don't want to build muscle.. I just walk fast
what do u do?
Hey Hun, how u getting on? Not had much time to get on here had a few bits of sad news the last 2 weeks to do with family!, xxx
Hey im fine thanks and urself? Aww no hope all is well!! I had bit of downfall and feel off the wagon that wkend past feeling down and turned to foodxxx
Awww we've all done it.. Well I certainly have! I just try and get back to it when I'm ready, maybe you should try and go up a step or something this is one of the hardest diets!
Last week I stayed the same & this week I lost 8lbs so was chuffed with that!
Did you get weighed after UR wee blip?
Your doing good tho!xxx
Yeah im back on plan I was moved to step 2 last week and my weigh in was suppose to be wed there but my consultant on holiday so getting weighed this wed so hoping I aint gained..was away for the long weekend there on sat, sun and Monday ate junk and drank vodka lol petrified to step on scales! x
That's amazing 8lbs well done!!! what step are u on? xx
Awww you'll get a shock a bet you've lost! I'm still on sole source plus .. I have chicken or omelette at dinner times!
I hope so lolback into ketosis eventually after my blip
so here's hoping think i might just stick to ss+ until weigh in need to lose 2 wks today then holiday my heads saying no unhealthy foods and my tummy saying bring it on lol :/ xx
Awww that's good! Awww I'm glad for sole source + lol oh I'm on this till I go away end of July so got a wee while yet but I can't wait to get some real food lol xx
Aww still a loss tho eh!oh well you'll know soon