Cambridge diet!!

I have nothing exciting planned. I need to do some serious housework as where I am from it is against the law to do housework when its hot and sunny so I have been obeying the law and am now suffering the consequences :D

Good luck for your weigh in tomorrow baker!
Yuck just had the toffee and walnut shake - not nice!! It feels like such a waste of a meal but trying to force it down :-(

In looking forward to 2 weeks time when i can trt the bars! Not a shake fan
Hello, Baker : the counsellors are usually pretty good about letting you swap back any unused shakes that you dislike : I had to do that with the mango ones.
I have my weigh- in tomorrow also : fingers crossed for us both!
Hey guys went to my dads retirement party last night my family from all over the place cane it was Caribbean theme and food! Looked sooooo lovely but I sat there with my water while everyone got drunk around me not even tempted however its my third weighing tomorrow if I haven't lost anything I shall be fumin lol xxx
Hey guys went to my dads retirement party last night my family from all over the place cane it was Caribbean theme and food! Looked sooooo lovely but I sat there with my water while everyone got drunk around me not even tempted however its my third weighing tomorrow if I haven't lost anything I shall be fumin lol xxx

Thats great charlene, it must feel fab to be in the position of no temptation!
Think it helpped that the food was spicy and I dont do spicy food lol how u all getting on? My cousin done lighter life same thing as us really and she lost 5stone in 4months! Couldn't believe it now that is mental xx
Yea doing ok, yesterday i was really hungry and tired so not a great combination but made it through! I was told not to exercise for 2 weeks but i signed up for a 5k run in september (my first!) so i have been doing training for that and am always hungrier the day after i train!
Well done, Charlene - food is still a temptation (whether or not we actually like it!) and especially on that sort of occasion when everyone around you is eating and drinking. Way to go !!
Good luck with tomorrow's weigh in - just had mine and lost 3lbs, so that's nearly (so nearly!) the first stone. xxxx
Well done Charlene!

Baker I love running, planning on going to the gym tonight and starting back! Xxx
Just been weighed 8lb down woo woo
Supercaliifragilisticexpealidoshous!!! Congratulations, Baker : FANTASTIC START !! :happy096: xxx
Onwards and downwards! xx

Thank you so much - i love that "onwards and downwards" indeed
Baker that's awesome, well done xxx
Aww that's fantastic well done see the hard work pays off! I'm being weighed tonight I'm dreading it duno y I've not cheated lol xxx
Aww that's fantastic well done see the hard work pays off! I'm being weighed tonight I'm dreading it duno y I've not cheated lol xxx

How did you get on charlene?
I just measure myself compared to last week! I've lost 4.5 inches off my legs 1inch off my bust and 1/2 inch off my waist and my right arms gone up an inch lol what's that about x