Can I ask...?

To put it in perspective, Ollie (I know you from the pink site :D ): I lost 10 pounds in my first week of SW and 11 pounds in my first week of CD at start of year, so as first weeks go I don't think there's an awful lot in it, but then you do get those who lose over a stone on CD in their first week; I guess we are all just different. After my first week of SW I settled down to about 3lbs a week... sometimes it was half a pound and sometimes it was 5 pounds. By Christmas, and at your weight, you could probably expect to comfortably lose three stones. Good luck! I am about to restart SW.:D
Ollie, sweetie, if you are struggling with the CD then, as I think has been said, it is perhaps better to do a diet like SW that you can stick to for months and lose weight gradually than to keep having another go at SS and losing stacks of weight, then getting disheartened at the fact you have to come off it again and piling the weight back on and more.

I know what it is like; ok, so I haven't been trying for as long as you, but I tried CD in January and came off in the second week as it was playing havoc with my bulimia; I put the 11 pounds back on and then some more and didn't stop gaining 'til May when I got healthy. Then in Sept I decided to give LL a go and I had to stop that as well. Here I am, having gained the pounds I lost in the first few days and then some more, making me heavier than I was even in May!!! The sad fact is, this diet works for so so many people, but I have had to accept that that's not me and I can't do it for that reason.

Please consider carefully before you get into the CD again.