Lovin it !!! :)
well - monday now - getting nearer to Wednesday evening for my first SW class - have my parents coming for 4 days on fathers day weekend so really going to have to plan for that - am going to try and cook as opposed to going out for dinner - my parents love eating out - especially as they live 100 miles away so when we get together its always a treat - am hoping for nice weather so can have a barbq with lots of salad etc and then maybe just have 1 night out if I can wangle it right lol - we will see - not even got to class yet & I am planning meals for nearly 2 weeks time..................maybe thats good though - maybe I have my "I Will do this " head on
time will tell - hope you all have a good monday - I am on late shift today - 1pm - 7.30 pm
time will tell - hope you all have a good monday - I am on late shift today - 1pm - 7.30 pm