Silver Member
Oh so jealous chipmunk! Wine literally screams out at me and begs to be drunk! X
Tried to go shopping. Did not go well. Actually that's an understatement. The only thing I came home with was bio oil in a vague attempt to sort my stretch marks out.
Nothing bloody fits!!!! I've had a 16 pair of jeans from DPs that have always been too small but now they're hanging off me so I thought I'll just go grab a kind of 'they'll do for now' pair. Pah! Yes Westfield you may have hundreds of shops but do any of them cater for tall ppl? Nope! Apparently if you want the tall range you have to buy online. Seriously?? Grrr. And h&m had such cute stuff but all so short. So not only would I like to be a size 10 but I'd also like to be 5'6 pls. You hear me powers that be?!
Omg! Omg! Omfg!! 13st 2lb!!!!! Amaze!!!
In jan I was 15st 2lb. I am over the moon!!!! Been weighing myself in kg as for some reason I can handle losing 0.5kg a week but 1lb just disheartens me and I haven't actually converted it properly until now. 2 stone!!! I have never achieved that much in just a few months and I'm so bloody pleased with myself! 2 stone guys!!!!!!!
So now need to keep on going I guess! Saw my spin instructor today outside class for first time in ages and she commented on my loss which really made me smile. I genuinely struggle to see it - yes some of my clothes are a bit looser but still not a full size and I just cannot see it. But hey, measurements and weight say otherwise. Guess it takes a while for the fat brain to catch up with the slightly less fat body....
Looking to do powerplate classes to try and tone up now! X
goingtobeskinnysoon said:Lovely to have you back jez!
Well 1kg off today! Wooooo! Taking me to bang on 13stone. 13?!?! Amaze! I'll be in the 12s soon - I've never seen the 13s before, let alone 12s!!! X