Has anyone got a good recipe for Canolinni please?
C Circes Strutting her stuff 28 March 2011 #2 Canelloni? I did a search and found a couple of recipes but you can basically just adapt any pasta bake or lasagne recipe. http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world-recipes/127285-free-cheese-spinach-canelloni-post2176430.html http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world-recipes/84682-post-your-food-pics-meal-ideas-post2107885.html
Canelloni? I did a search and found a couple of recipes but you can basically just adapt any pasta bake or lasagne recipe. http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world-recipes/127285-free-cheese-spinach-canelloni-post2176430.html http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world-recipes/84682-post-your-food-pics-meal-ideas-post2107885.html