Silver Member
CarlyLanky140 said:Hi Tracy - hope u are ok... I will kick some bullying ass!!
Star - feel free to add me on facebook... Carly Lancaster
Thank you all for the well wishes and luck! I had a bit of a crappy day - for those not on fb this is a summary I put on earlier:
"I feel like curling up in a ball and crying!
Chat with the parents went as badly as expected! I don't kno what to do!
I have probably put on 3 or 4lbs since last WI! I have tried for two weeks to get my 7lb Leeds festival gain off and I Havant! I'm facing the music this eve!
But i'm still 2 stone 3/4/5 down depending on WI and my size 26 trousers are about to fall off but size 24s are too tight?! I just feel like a big fat lump! I want nice clothes
I WILL get back to ww 100% as of tomorrow! I WILL lose 2 stone more by Christmas! I WILL get into nice clothes and be a beautiful slim bridesmaid! I WILL decide what job I want to do
I have been to classes at the gym Thursday/ Sunday/ Monday and Tuesday this week... I will be going Wed/ Thurs/ Mon and Tues this week....
I went to WI and I put on 4.5lb... I am back to it tomorrow and I will be going to the gym... I am away to Leyland near Preston this weekend but two of the other girls who will be sticking to ww too so will save weeklies till thenWould love to get that 4.5 and some more off this week....
Further detail re: parents - basically they said they think I give up at things and don't stick at anything.. my dad even suggested he doesn't think I can do it, thinks I can't cope with stress/ pressure... you name it...they said it.... Now I am doubting myself.... I am going to do this work exp and apply for teach first and PGCE and I will wait and see how I find work over the next year.... How do you know for defo if you want to do a job without doing it?
Anyways.. rambled enough... I am back to ww 100% (still gonna use weeklies) and going to gym 4 times.... and to do work exp and PGCE/ Teach First application form filling.... Gonna catch up with everyone now
Oooooooh good lord you've had a rough day! You should be very proud for going to WI luv - that's one of the hardest parts - to face the music! You now have a solid point to carry on from & you sound super motivated
As for the job stuff - I'd just say just go for the work exp. & that wilk give you so much of an insight & help with your decision - i hope your folks will come around once it's settled in - you do what will make you happy - Go Carly!!
P.s. I'm always stuck between 2 sizes of jeans! I can't stand them tight so I plod around with Baggy bum instead hehe
Here's to us both getting a good chunk off by Xmas!
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