Awww Annie I just wana hug u.. That's awful of ur Mam.. i'm sorry if I sound like a b1tch.. can't imagine my Mam ever being that negative towards me.. My Mam was the best.. She wud be proud of me for scrubbing floors if she thought that was what I wanted to do and made me happy.. I just dont get some Mam's

My Dad on the other hand.. well.. He's a different kettle of fish altogether.. Nothing is ever good enough.. We were chatting last week about my niece (she's in care and only 14 but struggles with her weight so it needs to be watched) And I said she had gained a bit again but looks great.. He said (always to her defence no matter what.. even when yer not being mean) "have u seen yerself lately? U may hav lost
some weight but ya'v still a way to go before u can comment!" No matter what you do he'll find a negative.. He has no interest in any of us (me n my brothers) So I understand the negative parent thing.. But not with Mam's..
Anywho.. seem to hav gone off track there a tad.. What I will say is u are both clearly intelligent and inspirational and I know (and I dont even know u personally) u can both get to where U wana be.. And feck anyone else.. its ur life.. Do what makes u happy
