Hello all
Annieb - gym is the sands centre but I think the classes are released by a central company who train instructors from most if not all gyms! I have tried zumba but it's not a convenient time which is a shame coz I liked itbacon Panfry is something my mum made for us as children... Thinly sliced Taties par-boiled (400g = 9pp), 6 bacon medallions cut up and fried in fry light (4pp), 50g asda light cheese grated (3pp).... Spray frylight in pan... Layer of Taties, layer of bacon, layer of cheese, Taties, bacon, cheese, Taties... Put on low heat and cover and cook for 20-30 mins or till Taties on top are soft... And cheese melted... And base should be crispy...yummy!!!
Thanks Jo and Rosie-Lee! Cx
WEEK 22: DAY 4 - Saturday 17th September 2011
Belvita = 6pp
Soup & WW Petit Pain = 5pp
Twirl = 3pp
Tomato & Chicken Risotto = 13pp
WW Dough Balls = 4pp
Twirl = 3pp
Cupcake = 10pp
WW Wine x2 = 10pp
Haribo = 6pp
DAILY PPs USED: 60/39pp
Here are my 3 positives:
1. I tried risotto for the first time
2. I still have weeklies left for the wedding fair tomorrow!
3. I have had a lovely day
Ps Clairebear,was thinking of you on Friday,was in for tests and they did this absolutely horrible one where they stuck a needle into my artery to check 02 levels. Oh,the pain! And I'm not bothered by needles at all usually. Have a huge bruise covering my wrist and going a good way up my forearm. Nurse was really matter of fact about it,bet you'd have been nicer!!!!
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Ps Clairebear,was thinking of you on Friday,was in for tests and they did this absolutely horrible one where they stuck a needle into my artery to check 02 levels. Oh,the pain! And I'm not bothered by needles at all usually. Have a huge bruise covering my wrist and going a good way up my forearm. Nurse was really matter of fact about it,bet you'd have been nicer!!!!
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*Claire-Bear* said:Ohhhhh bless u !!!! yes i look after patients on a daily basis with what we call 'arterial lines' (these have them in for over 24hs) ..... i feel ur pain tho, such a loooong needle, (i also remove them, and sometimes we get a few projectile squirters .. eeekkk) ... which causes bad bruising .... i dont get why some ppl choose to be nurse if they dont want to interact with ppl who are havin these horrid procedures, i deffo would have made u feel more at ease, i hope ur ok xxxxxx
Yep,you'd have been nice. Have a nasty bruise there now,kids at school must've been wondering what I was up to! Wow,24 hours of that...yikes!
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