ProPoints CarlyLanky140's Food Diary (28/155lb)

Thanks Tracy :) i'm welling up.... just need to snap out of it! Cheers hun x
Oh hon. You had a hard day and you're only human. Your friend sounds... not so nice. Doesn't she understand that if she's tired after her work then you must be even more tired!? Catalogues depress me too chick. I'm not even sure I'll ever be size 10, a comfortable 12 would be nice. You'll get somewhere comfortable too I'm sure, you can do it! Wish I could give you a hug now chick. :( xxx

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Cheers Sarah! I really need a hug today... feeling very alone xx
Massive hugs darling :( your a star and believe it we all love you on here!! You will be that skinny size 10 as we all believe in you :) you had a crappy day but it's over now and focus on having a fab weekend at your Halloween party :) xxx
azwethinkweiz said:
I don't think people should wear sexy nurse or the equivalent to be honest. Its bloody ridiculous... I saw girls last year wearing underwear and bunny ears. Unreal. I think those outfits should be confined to the bedroom lol. I'd prefer to dress up in something funny or clever myself.
Devil will suit your red hair though!! Xx

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I love it when I go out with Mr M and we see girls dressed like that he completely goes of on one and moans like a grumpy old man "god what on earth does she look like" and "if Lola went out like that I'd bloody kill her" he doesn't just say it either he really means it. It makes me feel good in my jeans and top:) I'm like "oh shut up grandad" like you say Sarah save it for the bedroom. Although secretly I'd like to get away with it once maybe:)

Oh honey =( I read it all and personally I think you should look back over them n pik out your positives! Cos there are do many. I totally see why your upset but you have achieved so bloody much. As for your friend, she sounds like she isnt worthy of your friendship! I no your a strong lady carly. Xxx ps dont you think you may be over emotional due to your period honey, things always seem ten times worse dont they? Hugs xxxx
The outfits in Anne summers are ridiculous. I went in and the girl goes oh the sexy prison inmate no. 69 is our top seller! Ridiculous. I'm going as a cat ha last minute outfit. Just a dress and some cat ears no French maids or sexy inmates here ha.
Think you probably have a point Claire - been a long time since I actually had one.... lol... I think I do probably get some symptoms once a month but this defo feels fairly grotty.... stupid girl parts hehe

I am ok... just feel better for ranting and putting it all down ....

Thank you all.... will try my best to enjoy party :D xx
Big snuggley interwebby hugs for you Carly.
Ditch the friend and come see one of us for the weekend. Then there can be vodka without *****y 'friends'. Seriously hate people like that.
Better still, go and hunt down that hot copper and show him what you're made of. ;)

Everyone on here loves ya babe. Honest. xx
Thanks Anj!! I saw the hot copper again today... his ass looks even better in jeans on dress down friday ;) lol xx
In true facebook stylee

Sending the warmest of Irish hugs babe. Hav had an emotional day too today (well just the later part) think I may b due... We all get down days n we need our friends to understand support us. Not take advantage n be awful b1tches to us. Sorry hun I may b out of order but I rem the whole talking about u story. U deserv real friends who'll b there for u as much as u will for them. Get yourself a good nights sleep n hopefully ull feel better tomoro. Xxxxx
Thanks do much Frances :) ur a star!! What happened in ur day? Returning the hugs!!!

Lol at the like Anj ;) made my morning xx
Fancy a getting to know you style quiz???

Name: Carly
Age: 26
Home: Carlisle in Cumbria
Occupation: Criminal Solicitor
Weight loss so far: 20 stone 5 down to 17 stone 10... 37lbs :D
Favourite food: Pizza
Least Favourite food: unfortunately don't like fruit or veg.... but I am working on it... getting a blender and chopper for chrimbo so I can cook stuff/ smoothies etc... one day at a time :D
5 reasons for dieting: 1) to shop in topshop 2) to feel happy when looking in mirror 3) to feel healthy 4) to never be called names in the street again 5) for me!

Good idea =)

Name: Claire

Age: 25

Home: south manchester

Occupation: staff nurse

Weight loss so far: 13lbs ..was a whole stone before ibiza =(

Favourite food: crisps

Least Favourite food: yogurts with bits in them .. Urghh

5 reasons for dieting:
1) mainly to help my diabetes

2) lower my bp to help my kidneys

3) feel great

4) look sexy for my wedding

5) look sexy for my honeymoon

Lovely answers missy! How long till wedding now? Cx
CarlyLanky140 said:
Lovely answers missy! How long till wedding now? Cx

Tar. Its just over 9months. Eeek! I have a mate whole lives in carlisle xxx
Small world :) (u have 2 ;))

Wow that's fab :) exciting!!! Xx
Love this hon :)

Name: Sarah

Age: 24

Home: Louth, Ireland

Occupation: Software Developer

Weight loss so far: 14st 2 down to 11st (44lbs) :D ;)

Favourite food: Quiche

Least Favourite food: Onions/Lettuce

5 reasons for dieting:
1) to be a healthy weight again
2) to feel more attractive
3) for shopping not to be depressing anymore
4) to fit in nice sized dress for my sisters wedding
5) don't want to be paranoid about being judged on my size anymore.

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