Gold Member
Mrsm79 said:I love it when I go out with Mr M and we see girls dressed like that he completely goes of on one and moans like a grumpy old man "god what on earth does she look like" and "if Lola went out like that I'd bloody kill her" he doesn't just say it either he really means it. It makes me feel good in my jeans and topI'm like "oh shut up grandad" like you say Sarah save it for the bedroom. Although secretly I'd like to get away with it once maybe
starkissedx said:The outfits in Anne summers are ridiculous. I went in and the girl goes oh the sexy prison inmate no. 69 is our top seller! Ridiculous. I'm going as a cat ha last minute outfit. Just a dress and some cat ears no French maids or sexy inmates here ha.
Oh... Kinda glad ye agree with me on this one. LOL at your hubby Tracy, he's a keeper!! Xx
IF (big if considering my weight) I was to dress like that it would be for the OH ONLY... actually I doubt he'd like me going out like that anyway.
I like the cat idea, very good! And halloweeny too! I'm not dressing up this year but I'd prob do a zombie or a gypsy woman or a rag doll!
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