Full Member
Have an awesome weekend chickadee 
CarlyLanky140 said:Hey hun... Diet not going so well at mo but will get bk to it... May rejoin ww meetings... How's u? Z
Dubchick81 said:All good hun ta. Duet mi goin great either ATM but not gaining so its ok![]()
CarlyLanky140 said:[h=6]Feeling really low last two days... It's probably just post birthday/ nothing to look forward to... Plus special occasions just remind me I'm alone and I stupidly text the ex
Plus my friend who is a teacher was telling me the bad stuff.... Just wasn't a good day to hear it!!
And I desperately need to get bk on diet. But I'm having one of those I'm sick of eating weeks where I don't want anything coz I'm so bored and anything I do fancy is not good!
I think I might be tired lol
[/h]I don't know what to do... I can't decide whether to do pp/ sf/ cc.... or whether to go back to meeting... I will be fine... I will take a few days to plan
Friday is my brand new start!! No more excuses!!! x
I think I will try SF for a week... Gonna plan and start frigot a trial on thurs