ProPoints CarlyLanky140's Food Diary (28/155lb)

Manchester - is that any good for u?

No it will be a littler black dress hehe ;) cxx
I'll have to have a look at what holidays i have left for work and get back to u :) When is it likely to be taking place?

Well...i hope its alot smaller than it would be the now 2 weddings next year so got to get myself sorted and stick to it once and for all. Going shopping 2moro for back to it strict as of tomorrow :) xx
Me too! I'm bridesmaid in Aug 2012 and another next Dec :)

It will probs be weekend of 19th/20th Nov xxx
Week 16 - Day 3: Friday 5th August 2011

Belvita = 6pp

Bacon Rolls = 10pp
Curly Wurly = 3pp


Bacon Panfry (Bacon, LF Cheese, Taties) = 12pp
Crunchie = 5pp

Freddo = 3pp
Curly Wurly x2 (oops!) = 6pp
Kit Kat Chunky = 7pp

TOTAL = 52pp

Weeklies Used: 13pp
Total Weeklies Used: 49/49pp

0AP Earned (Lazy!!)
Total AP: 6AP
AP used: 0AP

Last edited:
:happy096: Carly - you bloody superhero you :D that takes some guts, esp when you dont feel confident in yourself as it is ... be proud of them piccies coz one day you will look at them and see the determination & belief you had .... and itll never leave you ... sending massive hugs coz your a star .... and a princess :superwoman: ... who i muchly admire !!!!!
Awww thanks petal :)

What u up to today then gang?!

And are we doing 19th/20th Nov in Manchester?

I'm spending the day trying not to snack and researching hotels, York races and buses for my friend's Hen do! May even start making template invitations... Xxx
Thats a good date for me!! Im off to watch the dogs at belle vue today ??? i dunno why tbh .... its not really my kind of thing ...... you?
Sounds interesting?! Lol

I'm just researching hen do stuff, earning AP and preparing my first ever trial for next week!!! Argh!!! Xx
Im with work mates so should be good i suppose :eek: .... Im also holiday searchin - somewhere cheap ... and all inclusive .... thinkin ibizaaaaa ;) ... bikinis here i come :p:eek:

Oooo, first trial - bet your nervous - this may sound thick:eek: but are u the one who talks in court questioning the othert party?!
I am indeed :) lol

Hope u have a fab day and find a good hol xx
I can't be bothered to do anything at mo! My neck is sore and there is something up with my eye... I need to exercise and prep n research and all I wanna do is watch DVDs in bed lol xx
I vote dvds in bed :D
That's what I'll do when I get home from dentist I think lol. Dvd and duvet. Maybe some choccie (if I can eat after this dentist lol), try and cheer myself up ;) xx

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Hehe ! Maybe DVDs in bed with laptop for some minor research! Lol x
Enjoy choc n DVDs!! Xx
Hey the notification for the fb group but its gone :S do i have to accept it or what? x
Not sure what happened but think u are there now.. that ok?
Week 16 - Day 4: Saturday 6th August 2011


Homemade Pizza = 15pp
Curly Wurly = 3pp


Chicken Kiev = 7pp
Crunchie x 2 = 10pp

Curly Wurly = 3pp
Kit Kat Chunky = 7pp
2 x After Eights (guestimate) = 3pp
2 x Squares of Bliss Caramel Choc (guestimate) = 5pp

TOTAL = 53pp

Weeklies Used: 0pp
Total Weeklies Used: 49/49pp

12AP Earned (30DS and 20 mins Wii Zumba)
Total AP: 18AP
AP used: 14AP

Hello All!!

I have been snacky and obsessing over choccie this week.. I think it is tough getting bk to it after two bad(ish) weeks... but I did earn 12AP today .... so it's a start...

I have been a bit down today.. probably coz I am skint and have no plans and have boring things to do... I did my exercise and have done some Hen Do research (which is exciting but tedious....) and am about to do a bit of prep for work .. while watching a chick flick ("chasing liberty") and then tomorrow more exercise and prep and a dvd with my friend :D

I guess I feel lonely sometimes coz most mates are married/ paired up... and I would like to meet someone but I want the right someone.. and I know that until I feel better I wont meet them... so they can wait.. guess I am bored, broody and wish I wasn't living with parents lol.... anyways.. we plod along.!!.. :D U lot are a fab help.... NOW WE MUST PLAN NOVEMBER!!!

Anyways... my plan.....I plan to eat within my 39 dailies tomorrow and then on Monday I am out for a curry and think I will go about 26pp over.. so I plan to earn another 22AP tomorrow so I break even... then I will see how I do on Tues.. then on Tues I am gonna just eat a normal meal for tea but then for my treat I plan to buy Ben & Jerry's...

And then I have two weeks to be really good i.e. NOT GOING OVER WEEKLIES AT ALL!!! (bearing in mind the usual social events in those weeks... including a trip to London for a course, a weekend visiting friends in Preston, a dvd night and a night on the town....) and then I will have a week off enjoying Leeds Festival... so hoping that August will have me perhaps another 6.5lb down... i.e. 5th silver 7 (17 stone 12) but we shall see...

And then I have 48/49 weeks left to the wedding.. If I was to lose 1lb a week that will leave me at 14 stone 6 lb for the wedding

1.5lb a week from then = 12 stone 10lb for wedding

2lb a week from then = 11 stone 0lb for the wedding

2.5lb a week from then = 9 stone 6lb for the wedding....

So any way I will be slimmer and happier :)

Enough waffle.. much love! xx