Gold Member
31pp on choccie! Nooooommm. I could so do that right now hehe! I was quite "good" snackwise today I think. May have been the sore tooth though LOL. 
Ah hon I get down too, I've been on and off pills for depression for 6 years. Its so easy to let life get us down isn't it? I'm a pessimistic person generally (the glass is defo half empty imo lol) but we'll plod on hon. You will meet someone when you least expect it! I'm a firm believer that there's someone out there for everyone (even tho it seems like they're hiding from us sometimes hehe).
Chin up lovely, you're doing great and sounds like you have a busy social life too
popular cailín is you!
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Ah hon I get down too, I've been on and off pills for depression for 6 years. Its so easy to let life get us down isn't it? I'm a pessimistic person generally (the glass is defo half empty imo lol) but we'll plod on hon. You will meet someone when you least expect it! I'm a firm believer that there's someone out there for everyone (even tho it seems like they're hiding from us sometimes hehe).
Chin up lovely, you're doing great and sounds like you have a busy social life too
Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins