ProPoints CarlyLanky140's Weight Loss Journey (28/155lbs)

I'm glad someone else suggested the gherkins lol

Well done on the 2 1/2, that's cracking. Ignore the Wii weigh ins, and stop having sneaky peeks!! I'm the same, they do us no favours!!

Seriously well well WELL done, be proud! That's you got your first stone, innit!!

And good luck for today, thinking of ya!x
Thanks guys :) x
Lol sorry so much to catch up on! I thought I wasn't gonna have a case and it would be an anticlimax! But I ended up with a youth court case - first appearance but also sentencing hearing... Was interesting and the people who saw said I did well... No real time for nerves as was busy! Felt really supported! Hope they don't expect too much lol

Generally felt useful all day which was nice and the whole office sneaking gathered together to give me pressies :) and then tea out this eve :) was fun! Used a few weeklies but hey had a good day! Xx
Well done for yesterday Carly!
Hope you don't mind me using your fab idea of planning my meals v far in advance to help me out! I'd love my silver 7 this week its 1.5lbs away!

I can't believe it I never used to lose on SW!

Nope :) good luck for 1.5 Ruth! U can do it! X
Carly, Im glad the case went well. really pleased for you (and gifts too? cool!) xxxx
Thanks :) x
well done!!!! knowing this is working for other people is whats spurring me on. are you loosing while having all your points inc xtra 49? i am allowed 36 but i only found out today have been just having 29 xx
I have my 49 and my dailies :) x
Hi Carly, sorry havent been around much lately. Sounds like you are doing ok tho !! keep it up LOL
Thanks :) x
Well :) still doing ok this week :) have posted my diary for the full week in my food diary! so hope it will be good - hoping for another good loss! xx
Well done Carly with your super weight loss! Being a bean counter, I couldn't resist looking at your Stats. You have had a weight-loss each & EVERY week, that's consistent, fabulous! And, for the first time on your weight loss journey, you are down to single figures to your target! You did have 10 stone + to target, now it's just 9 stone + ....Well done!!!
Thanks Conor :) never thought of it like that :) x
Thanks Jo!x
Hi Guys!

I am back for my night out... I officially have NO WEEKLIES!! lol... I had burgers and slices of pizza and random maltesers etc.. and lots of random booze and drinking games... all in all a very good night...

When I first arrived I only knew a few people but eventually got chatting and felt better... one lad was kinda flirty ....

Anyways... I ashamed to say that in spin the bottle I had to say who was the hottest and I picked the actual hottest (who was miles out of my league and with his girlfriend) this was clearly because I was being honest - she was not impressed I said this but it was hardly like I was trying it on lol... then again in the again another boy was dared to kiss me...awkward situation - outwardly I appear quite confident but immediately felt horrendous - and worried that it was like a punishment for him/he would think I am am disgusting (if that makes sense).. so anyways he was a good sport and tried to kiss me... lets just say it was awkward... grrr...

then the flirty one had to "motorboat me" (I hope that most people don't even know what that means! ...) - great?! how embarrasing - refuse and no fun, agree and awkward... .so generally a bit uncomfortable... and then a friend of mine (albeit she was being honest and not as nasty as it soungs) said that basically he was "desperate" - so despite at times feeling kinda confident re: flirting my friend pointed out that he was trying it on with anyone single...all this rambling is getting to the point that I had a lovely night with friends and generally a good giggle but felt uncomfortable at times and although having giggle with lads in a group dont feel like anyone would wanna touch me with a barge pole.. lol.. not depressing just true haha... can't wait till I feel confident about how I look!

Anyways I sound silly... I am starting the 30 day shred tomorrow! And I aim to earn 20AP tomorrow and sunday and 10AP mon and Tues and will use no weeklies just dailies till WI - hope I still lose!

Hugs to all :) xx
Whoh, whoh,whoh Carly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder... not ALL men fancy STICK INSECTS!!! Most men I know prefer women with a little meat on their bones, not a bag of bones!!! Advertisers are spending millions of pounds trying to convince women and young girls that they have to be a Size 2 in order to attract men. TOTALLY UNTRUE! Despite what a lot of you ladies might think, most men are attracted by a warm smile and warm eyes...and a hearty laugh. I'd say you are already head and shoulders over the self-absorbed stick insects out there!

Love or happiness does not come in a single digit dress size. Sure we all want to improve our looks and appearance, men as well as women. But it's all about being happy in your own skin. From what I've seen on here, you have so many fabulous qualities that 99% of fellas would be delighted to get to know you as you are right NOW... not what you're going to look like 12 months from now.

So YOU be choosy, don't go for the first fella that looks your way, make him work for your attention and affection. You've a lot to offer, so get off your ass and get out there meeting loads of fellas in every social situation available, you don't know where you'll bump into Mr Right!

Good luck with that,

Fabulous post Conor, as a larger girl myself, it is nice to hear a blokes opinion...... thank you. I'd rep you for that but phone won't let me.... :)

Damn right too, Carly. Never settle for anything "just because". Be picky :) yus yus!!! You deserve happiness x x