Ok I'm going to go into grown up mode and grab you by the collars and shake you while saying STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT THE BOYS THINK!!

I mean that in the nicest possible way lol
Your worth is not based on other people's opinions but on your own and possibly those of the people around you who you actually care about. If any boy is so shallow that they cannot see past the obvious then they don't deserve you - a lot of guys I know tell me that they initially get the immediate attraction to the skinny girls who get all the attention but if they ever get anywhere with them they pretty quickly realise that sometimes you scratch the surface with them and just get more surface and that really isn't what they are looking for so don't be fooled into thinking that its what all guys want either.
Some boys yes they go for the superficial but those aren't the kinds of boys that you want to be with anyway. Why would you want someone who's only way of judging you is by how you look?? Even if I was suddenly skinny and stunning I wouldn't want to be with someone so shallow.
You are a gorgeous person, both inside AND out.
Think about why you want to lose the weight for YOU and then as you do, take a long hard look in the mirror and be honest about the bits that you like and concentrate on them - whether it be physical or personality or whatever - but you need to know within your own head what your worth is and not base it on what someone else judges you by as otherwise you will always be chasing a never ending goal and always have severe insecurities and that's when rebounding happens so easily.
Yes you WILL get smaller and yes you WILL look better because of it and be healthier but you will still be the same person inside and THAT is what makes you special, not what size of clothing a random boy thinks you should be wearing.
From what I've seen on here you are a fantastic person with such a giving and outgoing personality and so supportive to other people - all of those quallities are worth so much more than whether you are currently wearing a size 10 dress or not and one day the right guy will recognise that and you are too good a person to settle for someone that doesn't - if they can't see that when you are out then its their loss
I hope you don't mind me saying that - its me trying to get through how much better you are than you have in your head when that happens and your confidence disappears. I know its easier said than done because we've all been there but everyone else here can see how special you are and that's got to count for something right?