Cartwoman's 2010 Start

well done cartwomen day 51 that is some achievment.
Dont listen to anyone that says this diet is a waste of time they are usually the overweight ones keep going and you will be at your goal in no ti,e.

Primark or pennys here in ireland is great for really cheap clothes so take a look in there they also have a great selection the clothes only last a couple of months but great value all the same.

oh how i wish i could stay in bed a bit longer but with 2 kids its impossible:rolleyes:

best of luck with your week ahead
@ Nicoletia; thank you. And I'm sure you can do that. It becomes a lot easier at a certain point. There will always be rough days, but I'm not struggling any more.

@Slim4life; yeah I agree with you, I often get negative comments from people who are overweight themselves, stating that the diet isn't good and more of that rubbish. I just tend to prove them wrong by loosing weight ;P But I'm lucky I have so many supportive friends and co-workers who are actually urging me on and complimenting me.
I will look at Primark and Pennys once I need some new clothes! Thanks for the tip.

In other news; I cleaned out my dreaded wardrobe. Two full binbags with clothes for the charity shops are the result of 4 hours of work. I had to try everything on and I also got rid of the clothes I bought because they fit me, not because I liked them. I actually found 4 jeans I could wear now ^^ Same for some tops I hadn't seen in ages.

Next to my wardrobe are 4 bags filled with clothes I'm going to try on as soon as I lose another stone and a half. If they fit but I don't like them on me, those will be going to charity as well :)
It felt so good getting rid of clothes that were too big or that I really didn't like. My dresser and wardrobe are so much more organized now. I know there's still a big binbag on the loft with clothes from the time that I was thin. I will try those when I lose another 3 stones and see if I still like them. :D I actually forgot to take my meals, just had my second meal (toffee walnut mousse; think it might taste better with some coffee) and I still have some porridge for today ^^

Amazing day!
good for you lady! getting into smaller clothes is fabby..
I don't know where this day went wrong. I didn't blib, but I'm feeling so incredibly down. I have the feeling that I will never get below the 90kg's. It feels like it's a neverending story. I'm bored, I'm tired of the same routine every day and hate that I can't spontaneously can go out to diner with friends. I know it's not forever, but it feels like it at times.
Hang on in there, you can do it xx

I know what you mean about sorting out clothes and throwing away stuff that fits (or will fit) because you don't actually like them. I had a clear out the day I started Cambridge and was horrified how much stuff like that I had.
Day 54

Feeling slightly better. I still haven't cheated, but I've been going to bed a lot earlier the last days. I guess the weather is not making my mood any better.
Bad thing: I'm starting to become a serial scale hopper. I know I shouldn't, and only weigh myself on Fridays but I find it difficult. Ow well, maybe I'll ask my OH if he can hide them again.
aw, big hugs to you!!! i used to feel down on cd too, it plays with your mind. dont dwell and soon you will be so much slimmer. now i am near goal my mind plays tricks on me to have this slice of cake or than biccie but i always ignore that little voice. most of the time i am hardly ever hungry. if you need to eat out with friends have an ss+ day. i love chicken salads and most places have them on the menu. just plan an ss+ day to get you through. but well done for sticking to ss as i think thats where the real results are.
Well done on being so focused, even though you are feeling down :( Your an inspiration to be so focused so far on in the plan :)
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I know now why I've been so down, last week I was just retaining water, but this week I'm actually having my period... I found that out yesterday. No wonder I felt so depressed.

I stuck to the diet though, even if I felt quite hungry and it paid off. I lost 6lbs!!! :D
I do have to say that I weighed on my own scales and in my pyamas. I won't see my cdc for 4 weeks and I'm sure that when she gets back I'll be a bit heavier on her scales. But it's alright, I know that my scales are almost the same as hers and I'm more interested in what I actually weigh withough heavy clothes ;) That means I'm finally under the 200lbs line :D and just 1 lb of from being 1/3 off of my endgoal. I'm feeling so good today, well except for the backache and all the other lovely pms-things. I finally have some faith again ;)
Ahhh well done, 6lbs is amazing! Really goes to show that if you stick to it then then good results are inevitable... I must remind myself of this when i feel myself struggling!
Day 57

Another Saturday and again I'm up rediculously early. I won't be drinking or eating anything until my 'lunch' at 10.30, otherwise I'll just get too hungry, best to stay in a half-a-sleep status for the beginning of the morning.
Probably head of to bed early tonight ^^
Good morning. Well done on staying so focused.

I'm putting off breakfast until we get back from my son's bowling (around 11.30am) otherwise I have my last one too early.

I may join you in an early night though. Well, when I say join you I mean you at your house and me at mine. You know how rumours start!! :-D

Hope you feel better today xx
Day 59

I've reached another personal goal today. Finally my scales announced that I am below 90kg's. It has been years (really, years) since I've seen my weight being beneath the dreaded 90's and it feels good ^^

It has actually made me more motivated and I really want to loose another 2 stone in the next two months :)
you are doing so well!!