catdog nd emma3662

catdog said:
eek! hes lush. just angie been on phone, shes bit upset over a so called mate bless a. ooh meant to say its not cheap getting on metro n that ive been thru coupl times this week n ive got to get bus an all its bloody fortune but if you know ur gettin on buses n metro ye can get dayrover for 6.80 n get on all buses in tyne and wear, metro, ferry n train to metrocentre all day, better than paying singlexx

Defo chick I no he's propa dinky lol mam's not sure just coz we've been let down twice :-( xx
Defo chick I no he's propa dinky lol mam's not sure just coz we've been let down twice :-( xx

you just gotta keep trying chick, be worth it in the end :D xx
Hope so chick gonna ask if he nips or anything too coz of girls so fingers xd and forgot to say I cant wait for sleepover either yay lol xx
Hope so chick gonna ask if he nips or anything too coz of girls so fingers xd and forgot to say I cant wait for sleepover either yay lol xx

haha ooh ya might not wanna say bout it on here n forgot to ask on tue but did ye manage to sort the money thing out, what they say ? xx
Money thing ya mean my sick pay thing or summit else lol xx
Lol got a letter today saying there not changing there decision so i'm having to start a new claim but i'm hoping they'll back date it nd if they do they'll owe me 754 quid as of tuesday coming lol xx
Lol got a letter today saying there not changing there decision so i'm having to start a new claim but i'm hoping they'll back date it nd if they do they'll owe me 754 quid as of tuesday coming lol xx

wowser, hope they back date haha- im sick of being skint, this working tax better come theyve took complete mick! right off to bed to read, sweet dreams chickxx
catdog said:
wowser, hope they back date haha- im sick of being skint, this working tax better come theyve took complete mick! right off to bed to read, sweet dreams chickxx

If I get it in time our night out is well and truly sorted chick woop enjoy sweet dreams and dont forget i'm here dont have a bad day by yourself xx
If I get it in time our night out is well and truly sorted chick woop enjoy sweet dreams and dont forget i'm here dont have a bad day by yourself xx

haha i know woot n your tats hehe. you too chick, am always here cept when im 'napping' ha xx
catdog said:
haha i know woot n your tats hehe. you too chick, am always here cept when im 'napping' ha xx

Haha yeah defo and same here but i'm there eventually lmao xx
just got up so having good day so far lol, some of the working tax has gone in yay not all though grr xx
Ah cool hun I cried for th 1st time in months last night nd couldn't stop for ages :-( just talking about my mam dying wit her sounds so morbid but its my greatest fear xx
Ah cool hun I cried for th 1st time in months last night nd couldn't stop for ages :-( just talking about my mam dying wit her sounds so morbid but its my greatest fear xx

aww hunni, bless ye- what brought on the talk just your own worries on it? me mam, dad and mark make this life bearable for me i dont know what ide do if anything happened to them, they the onlything that keeps me going :( (hugs) xx
catdog said:
aww hunni, bless ye- what brought on the talk just your own worries on it? me mam, dad and mark make this life bearable for me i dont know what ide do if anything happened to them, they the onlything that keeps me going :( (hugs) xx

God knows hun lol same here meh lol xx
No hun just made a massive spag bol and a curry but curry is going in th bin it tastes minging lol wot about u xx
now that got some money might go to pics as treat seen as though marks still off hehe il be back to me hermit self once hes back at work so best make most of it ha xx
catdog said:
now that got some money might go to pics as treat seen as though marks still off hehe il be back to me hermit self once hes back at work so best make most of it ha xx

Haha bless ya have fun hun and I shall see ya tuesday think i'll have a nice bath and maybe even a nap gonna have sum lunch 1st tho i'm starving lol xx
That message sounds like i'm not gonna speak to ya til tuesday lmao as if lol xx