catdog nd emma3662

Oh i'm scared lol but I trust ya hun i'm ya canvas so ya can paint me how ya want lol xx
Haha just showed my mam she hates it lol xx
Not sure wot I want lol fancy a change nd thats about all I no lol no hun there used to be then it became a bloody super drug lol used to love savers :-( get wot ya need nd just use th fiver hun then i'll feel like i'm not spending anything lol xx

is there no savers in newcastle city centre? theres one in shields, i can just get it at mine but best if we together, unless you wanna meet me in shields or sland before we go for tattoo? im through sunderland hosp half 9 on tuesday for dermatologist apptment so would be good to meet ye there and i will xx
Not sure hun i'll try see if i've got money tho nd meet ya at sland if I can xx
catdog said:
lmao be any colour ya want chick, just show me pic :D

Haha i'll have a quick look on web back soon xx
I'm back i'm not fussed but mam thinks a warm blonde would look nice pic wont load :-( xx
I'm back i'm not fussed but mam thinks a warm blonde would look nice pic wont load :-( xx

just left click on pic n copy image url n paste it here. ok blondie wannabe lol whats the make n colour of the box dye ye bought so i can have nutha look at it online xx
Only got web on my phone hun nd it natural lightest brown by super drug xx
Its worked now lol xx
Or not lol xx

images.jpeg finally lol xx
lovely colour like a dark honey blonde yum! xx
Woop lol just been marinadeing some chicken for a curry tomorrow mmmm how's ya 1st day gone xx
Woop lol just been marinadeing some chicken for a curry tomorrow mmmm how's ya 1st day gone xx
yeah its gone ok, gonna nip round shop in a mo couldnt be bothered to go asda today so not got much in i can eat, probs get some pasta for tea xx
Packets of pasta n sauce are free well most of them if ya not in th mood to cook properly lol xx
Packets of pasta n sauce are free well most of them if ya not in th mood to cook properly lol xx

like the campbells ones? xx
Think so I no bachelor's are xx having tea so be back soon hun xxx
Think so I no bachelor's are xx having tea so be back soon hun xxx

ooh class, how do ya kno which ones r free? enjoyye tea, might go round shop now xx
Go on slimming world website nd enter ya life line number thing then ya can check syns for anything :) xx