catdog nd emma3662

catdog said:
lmao good luck with that, i hear she needs committed hahahaha right gona get on with it nd i shal speak to you later my lovely xx

Lmfao laters hun xx
how goes the tidying? im procrastinating ha, did some n had nap gonna get back to it in a mo xx
catdog said:
how goes the tidying? im procrastinating ha, did some n had nap gonna get back to it in a mo xx

Haha how strange i've just woke up lol done nout hun mam's got a headache so gonna start in th morning instead lol xx
Haha how strange i've just woke up lol done nout hun mam's got a headache so gonna start in th morning instead lol xx

haha well ye dinnit have to tidy for me chick, i live in a pit between mark,the dog, the cat and my depression it aint pretty :eek:think im giving up for toneet im knackered. might goin bath then do me nails, what colour nails ya want, ive got everything from orange, green, blue, peach, red,pink loadsa colours. ooh you like baking cakes and that? xx
catdog said:
haha well ye dinnit have to tidy for me chick, i live in a pit between mark,the dog, the cat and my depression it aint pretty :eek:think im giving up for toneet im knackered. might goin bath then do me nails, what colour nails ya want, ive got everything from orange, green, blue, peach, red,pink loadsa colours. ooh you like baking cakes and that? xx

Oh yes I love baking nd any colour hun i'm ya canvas lol something bright I think nd hope it lasts til sunday for christening lol xx I need a bath too just cant be arsed lol
This is gonna sound daft but how much money have ya got for tomorrow like sw and bus fare? Xx
Oh yes I love baking nd any colour hun i'm ya canvas lol something bright I think nd hope it lasts til sunday for christening lol xx I need a bath too just cant be arsed lol
ive got perfect colour for you, its lush! your gonna be well sick cos gonna do loadsa makeup stuff to get it right haha, you prefer to embrace the pale look (thats what im attempting right now ha) or have tan? ive got tans and diff makeups that i can bring aswell- im bringing it all anyway like haha xx
ive got lush bakery book for cakes you want meto bring it? xx
catdog said:
ive got perfect colour for you, its lush! your gonna be well sick cos gonna do loadsa makeup stuff to get it right haha, you prefer to embrace the pale look (thats what im attempting right now ha) or have tan? ive got tans and diff makeups that i can bring aswell- im bringing it all anyway like haha xx

Like a bit of colour instead of being dead pale but as long as i'm not orange its fine lol xx
catdog said:
ive got lush bakery book for cakes you want meto bring it? xx

No hun its ok we'll bake if ya want tho xx
This is gonna sound daft but how much money have ya got for tomorrow like sw and bus fare? Xx

ive got me bussy, gonna get a 6.80 pass as got to get bus from mine to metro,then metro, then bus to asda, then sw, then yours lol and works cheaper that way and need another 6.80 to get back to mine on wed, do i need more like? xx
catdog said:
ive got me bussy, gonna get a 6.80 pass as got to get bus from mine to metro,then metro, then bus to asda, then sw, then yours lol and works cheaper that way and need another 6.80 to get back to mine on wed, do i need more like? xx

Money for a maccy d's? Only if ya want to ya can come and meet th twins if I had th money I wouldn't even ask ya i'd just pay lol but its this bloody christening lol xx
catdog said:
i wanna make butterfly cakes, love butter cream lol xx

Haha no worries hun xx
lol i wont make ye orange dont worry, ive got so many shades we'll find right one, do a day time and a nightime look xx
Haha I love it woop :) xx
Money for a maccy d's? Only if ya want to ya can come and meet th twins if I had th money I wouldn't even ask ya i'd just pay lol but its this bloody christening lol xx

lol aye dinnit worry, i'll bring mccyds money ha thought you meant to go sumwhere spensive ha, i dinnot expect ye to pay for me dinner daft arse if you had money or not! xx
catdog said:
lol aye dinnit worry, i'll bring mccyds money ha thought you meant to go sumwhere spensive ha, i dinnot expect ye to pay for me dinner daft arse if you had money or not! xx

Ah cool they'll rip th mick out of ya for ya accent like but their lush I promise my sister will be there nd she's crackers too lol and if I had money ya wouldn't have a choice so hush lol xx
Ah cool they'll rip th mick out of ya for ya accent like but their lush I promise my sister will be there nd she's crackers too lol and if I had money ya wouldn't have a choice so hush lol xx

they coming with you to town? do you know how to make butterfly cakes, have u got any of ingredients in house, just cos o'll write down what we need and get it in asda what we dont have :D xx
catdog said:
they coming with you to town? do you know how to make butterfly cakes, have u got any of ingredients in house, just cos o'll write down what we need and get it in asda what we dont have :D xx

Meeting them at killy nd of course I no how to make butterfly cakes you crazy girl lol bake all sorts hun xx