catdog nd emma3662

Hi hun i'm knackered lol been sleeping on nd off all day :-( hair's still too red for dye so gonna strip it again tomorrow or put a brown on for now my cuz is a colour technician so i'll ask her lol hows u honey pie xx

do not put any dye on it til i see ye chick, all the box dyes have peroxide in so cause damage, spec if u gonna bleach to put blonde dye on later n be harder to get to the blonde colour ye want, just use the other box of stripper n then buff buff buff to make sure the colours out n stays out then i'll do it or your brothers gf. anxiety was bad this morn couldnt leave house :( went back to bed and slept til late, been up and then went back to be again, mark home now so feeling better xx
Will do hun i'd be bald without ya lol bless ya hun pleased ya feeling better tho think i'm getting a cold so i'm just feeling sorry for myself lol xx
Will do hun i'd be bald without ya lol bless ya hun pleased ya feeling better tho think i'm getting a cold so i'm just feeling sorry for myself lol xx

haha. hows diet going chick? im being bit naughty now marks home must admit :eek: house is a tip, will need to start tidying now ready for ye coming end of month haha. do ye think you'll b okay to come out for night out still? we gave in couldnt go wivout the fags n couldnt afford them so bought baccy lol xx
Haha diet aint happening at th min lol going to job centre tuesday if I haven't heard by then if money is sorted i'll defo come chick but if not i'm screwed lol xx
Nd dont blame ya about fags chick ya gotta have summit to keep ya going :) xx
Haha diet aint happening at th min lol going to job centre tuesday if I haven't heard by then if money is sorted i'll defo come chick but if not i'm screwed lol xx

oh no it better be sorted, we got 3 weeks til then so fingers crossed, im not going if ur not! still no news from that job, they did say upto 2 weeks like but i hate not knowing. when get paid end of month al treat ye to the pics chick xx
Dont be daft hun as soon as i've got my money we'll be well sorted lol fingers crossed for my money and the job and our diets and night out and everything else lol think I need more fingers lmao xx
Dont be daft hun as soon as i've got my money we'll be well sorted lol fingers crossed for my money and the job and our diets and night out and everything else lol think I need more fingers lmao xx

lol ive got me fingey toes as well heehee.and i will so shhh, right off to have some munch wiv mark and watch some telly. have a good night chick, text me if ya need me and il come onxx
No probs chick enjoy your night too xx
just to say i got your message chick, forgot all bout that :( xx
ooh meant to say have fun with the girls today and give them hug from me :D xx
Haven't got girls til nxt week ya cracker lol xx
Haven't got girls til nxt week ya cracker lol xx

oooh doh, thought they was at staceys last week n urs this im bit slow ha xx
Stacey's last then we thought we were at christening tomorrow so haven't got them chick got them nxt sat coz sharon's out and they'll probs give me wrong coz your not here lol xx
Stacey's last then we thought we were at christening tomorrow so haven't got them chick got them nxt sat coz sharon's out and they'll probs give me wrong coz your not here lol xx

haha aw bless em they class, when ave got some money we can take them out :D xx
When I get paid i'll treat ya its only bus fare and some lunch man hopefully i'll find out tuesday when I get paid hope its soon xx
When I get paid i'll treat ya its only bus fare and some lunch man hopefully i'll find out tuesday when I get paid hope its soon xx

ah well if you get paid before me, i'll pay ye back, i get paid 30th and if ye dont get paid its my treat when i do get paid chick xx
Shut up man hope I get paid by then for our night out :-( lol feel dead shaky today need to get a grip lol xx
Shut up man hope I get paid by then for our night out :-( lol feel dead shaky today need to get a grip lol xx

aww hun (hugs) im not great today, anxiety not too bad just mentalness i feel bleurgh and slept til like quarter to 3 and really need another nap, might go to bed for abit :(. and me too itl be great, just been talking to gu, messaged me asking when im meeting up cos ive kept puttin it off, shes off for half term cos she teacher from 31st so im gonna have to work meself up to it, just be me and her not the other girls so less pressure off me, quite looking forward to it, til time comes anyway ha. xx
Bless ya chick just be yourself and if she dont like it tough lol would she not come pick ya up? Gonna have some tea and chill hopefully feel better after some food i'm off to watch some trashy tv so i'll speak to ya tuesday :-( dont miss me too much lol xx