catdog nd emma3662

ok hun spk later xx
got me coconut oil on ready for final bleach, wish me luck ive still got hair after! xx
haha ull befine hun xx
How did ya hair go? Nd forgot to ask about ww lol xx
How did ya hair go? Nd forgot to ask about ww lol xx

5 bleaches and one bleach bath later it still aint fell out me toner on now so wont see if its gone silvertil it driesovernight but fingers crossed heehee. and ww meh didnt bother,il tell ye all of what am doin when a see ye. i dont like cornflakes like kelloggs but addicted to proper cheap ones,get asda smartprice in a bag get loads for only 46p they lush spec with sugar on mmmmmmmmmmmye should get some xx
Only like them when they covered in chocolate haha I miss ya :-( lol xx
Only like them when they covered in chocolate haha I miss ya :-( lol xx
covered in chocolate lol ur mad you. aww bless ye you want me to come over on sat? xx
marks fin work at 7pm so i can meet im 8pm to come home so il come early if ye want xx
Yeah thats fab hun my mam can meet ya in town if ya want xx
ooh was naughty today and got some red lippies to try 3 for 2 in superdrug one aint good with my complexion but might be perfect on you, ya can be daring for when we have money to gan for night out haha. if ye just tell me which bus to get and she can meet me off bus thatde be alreet, and tell me what stop to tell driver il be brave haha xx
Seaton burn I can probs go to bus stop with her nd we could stop th bus lol eeee cant wait now woop lol xx
Seaton burn I can probs go to bus stop with her nd we could stop th bus lol eeee cant wait now woop lol xx
yes do that stick ye handout so i know to get off lol. ive got few really good books for ye, omg last one i read didnt want it to end chick, you'll love it! only got money cos gotta loan-whoops lol, dont ask me how we got company to give us one cos ive no clue lol,wanting to get me hair done tomorra but they dunno if they can so fingers croossed they can do it for me tomorra cos me fringe is a mess! xx
Wish I could get one lol think my birthday is gonna suck got nee nice food or anything but my mam's gonna make me a cake bless her xx
or mark says i could come tomorra and stay then meet him on sat night but means you gotta put up wiv me for over 24 hours but we can do plenty nappin,aw hun il get us some nice food in for me staying and got ye wine, do ye like earrings?xx
Love earrings ya more than welcome to stay ya can do my hair haha xx
woohoo okay so will i come bout 3ish so ye can have ye lie in? xx
Lol yeah that will be great hun as in get here for 3 or leave yours at 3 lol xx
with me who knows try get to yours for 3pm if thats okay lol xx
Haha thats fine hun have ya got any credit xx
think ive got enough to dodgy ye, what number bus is it 43?xx