catdog nd emma3662

Ya more than welcome to stay over hun or ya could come early nd leave late whatever ya want xx
its calld canti,its rose one-is it completely **** one? and i dont drink wine yuck lol. mehair looks completely shitcos instead of bleachng it i bleach bathed which was waste of time and lifted about half a shade and i cant be arsed to tone so got to wait another week at least to do it proper. ooh im starting weight watchers, marks gonna do it wiv me even though hes skinny minnie lol cos he only needs to lose like 5lb to get gold member and free classes to support me and first weeks free for us both. x
Its a lush one hate ww too complicated lol xx
ooh good well its urs lol. ww got new plan ye can follow now chick, its like sw. dunno which one i'll do cos aint been yet but im gonna get me eating out guide n shopping guide makes it so much easier. xx
Defo hun nd awww thanks i'll meet ya in an hour lmao xx
No probs i'm gonna have a kip lol xx
lol enjoy xx
hi hun hows u? xx
hiya chick, feeling better today, marks off so gonna venture out in an hour or so to shops then weightwatchers eek,how are you? xx
feeling better been lookin at a holiday for nxt year yeehaa lol enjoy hun nd ill speak to ya later xx
feeling better been lookin at a holiday for nxt year yeehaa lol enjoy hun nd ill speak to ya later xx

not going for nutha hour,whereya beenlooking for, i want one before sept cries lol xx
Turkey not til end of september nxt year like all inclusive hee hee xx
ooh la la how much is that? xx
About 900 total cant wait its not a definite but hope we can do it eek lol xx 10 nights
About 900 total cant wait its not a definite but hope we can do it eek lol xx 10 nights

is it a low deposit? itde be such a motivator for you wiv your weightloss chick. xx
Haha weight loss is over for now chick just cant afford th fiver a week or decent food :-( as soon as my moneys sorted its full steam ahead lol not sure think so but if my money gets back dated i'm just gonna book it nd pay in full lol woop xx
aww well im sure you will get your money back on track and fingers crossed gets back dated hun,just make sure ye arent away for me hen do heehee. ide invite meself along but dunno how im paying for me wedding yet haha xx
Lmao it will probs be th 27th september ish nd I wouldn't miss ya hen do or ya wedding nd I wouldn't advise it my mam turns evil in th sun if she's too hot lmao xx
Off to kip hun coz still not 100% be back later xx