catdog nd emma3662

Lol is it tattoo on tuesday didn't even realise lol i'll defo get a price for my carpe diem 1 tho wot time for tattoo xx

2pm will only take an hour n a half, bring a book lol xx
catdog said:
will be long journey but im up for it :) its cheap day at pictures on a tuesday £3.50 so after this tue we can go before meetings if ye want? xx

3.50? Thats class defo chick i'm up for anything lol xx
haha class aint it, we can plan our sw allowable snacks lol xx
Stop at mine tuesday if ya want chick asked my mam nd its fine as long as ya dont talk through her programmes lmao xx
catdog said:
haha class aint it, we can plan our sw allowable snacks lol xx

1 word mikado lol there only half a syn each but ya can nearly eat th whole box lmao xx
Stop at mine tuesday if ya want chick asked my mam nd its fine as long as ya dont talk through her programmes lmao xx

lmao as long as shes watching crime shows il be as quiet as a mouse heehee. can do your makeover hehe, il bring me suitcase hahahaha xx
Haha sounds good we'll get a movie or summit wot kind do ya like? Xx
1 word mikado lol there only half a syn each but ya can nearly eat th whole box lmao xx

haha, mark has them but ive never tried one, i prefer candy to choc in general but am like choc monster when on totm so always head for the good stuff (big bar dairy milk wholenut lolololl). i have to have pmax at pics so will need summit savoury to go with it to replace me nachos i aint allowed lol. xx
catdog said:
haha, mark has them but ive never tried one, i prefer candy to choc in general but am like choc monster when on totm so always head for the good stuff (big bar dairy milk wholenut lolololl). i have to have pmax at pics so will need summit savoury to go with it to replace me nachos i aint allowed lol. xx

Have wot ya want chick just have a flexible day nd be good th other days thats th mint thing about sw i'll get a good 1 I love horror tho lol xx
Have wot ya want chick just have a flexible day nd be good th other days thats th mint thing about sw i'll get a good 1 I love horror tho lol xx

oh god no, im scared of them, i cannit bear slicing skin with knife ive got right phobia of it, yano like a scalpel slowly weird i am i know but yuck. im gonna get that snack book n that i think :D right im off to read in bed (if i can stay awake), sweet dreams chick, was great meeting un ur mam :D xx
catdog said:
oh god no, im scared of them, i cannit bear slicing skin with knife ive got right phobia of it, yano like a scalpel slowly weird i am i know but yuck. im gonna get that snack book n that i think :D right im off to read in bed (if i can stay awake), sweet dreams chick, was great meeting un ur mam :D xx

Same here chick sweet dreams xx
Hi hun i'm waiting lol xx
Hi hun i'm waiting lol xx

hiya chick, didnt make it to me mams not having great day today :( u used the colour remover yet? xx
Wots up hun? Nd no think I might leave it til tuesday or wednesday so u can help lol xx
Wots up hun? Nd no think I might leave it til tuesday or wednesday so u can help lol xx

haha might have to do a bleach on ye depending on the colour remover results cos the box dye you have only will lighten like two shades max so might not give ye colour you want ie on the box wivout it, upto you though :) im just bit bleurgh really, knackered meself out past few days, that always makes memental ness kick off. hows ur day been? xx
Do wot ya want chick I dont mind lol if u can get stuff i'll give ya th money nd my day hasn't been as bad as yours but have been shattered but had a bath and went to sleep for about 4 hours lol hope ya feeling a bit better now but if not i'm here all night if ya need me xx
Do wot ya want chick I dont mind lol if u can get stuff i'll give ya th money nd my day hasn't been as bad as yours but have been shattered but had a bath and went to sleep for about 4 hours lol hope ya feeling a bit better now but if not i'm here all night if ya need me xx

its dont cost much for what we need, is there a savers near you?is that defo the colour you wanting? theres some great dyes, veggie ones they not harmful to hair like box dyes n they fade so easy to change colour, theres some great reds! xx
Not sure wot I want lol fancy a change nd thats about all I no lol no hun there used to be then it became a bloody super drug lol used to love savers :-( get wot ya need nd just use th fiver hun then i'll feel like i'm not spending anything lol xx
i think youde look great this colour :D xx


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