Cathy's Atkins Journey!

LOL, what is this? the Goth thread. LMAO
Lmao no I'm not a goth (though I am actually going to the goth weekend at Whitby in October!..... just to see the sights though!!!)

The boots were something I've liked the look of for ages but refuse to pay £170 for a pair of footwear so when they were on ebay for £30 I snapped them up.

Haha the goth thread, love it - may start one to see how many replies I get!
LOL, go for it Cathy. :)
Well I went back to the pharmacy today and explained why I came off LT last week (dizzyness, bad head etc). Said I was eating things that would keep me in ketosis in order to lose my last couple of stones more slowly to help me keep the weight off and shes ok for me to keep going to get weighed there so I'm happy about that.

Started my switch over from Lipotrim on Thursday so have gone from having 3 shakes a day to 3meals a day so I don't think I've done bad to stay the same. I'm upping the anti on the water and excercise every day so hoping for a good loss next week
Good that you've still got their support Cathy & great result on sts. x
Thanks hun, feeling loads better energywise. Last week tried going on cross trainer and managed about 5mins but this week can do 20mins plus without stopping so feeling pretty good that this is my way forward and how I can get the pounds off and keep them off for good!